In Henri J.M. Nouwen's book "Bread for the Journey," he says "There is a great difference between successfulness and fruitfulness. Success comes from strength, control, and respectability. A successful person has the energy to create something, to keep control over its development, and to make it available in large quantities. Success brings many rewards and often fame. Fruits, however, come from weakness and vulnerability. And fruits are unique. A child is the fruit conceived in vulnerability, community is the fruit born through shared brokenness, and intimacy is the fruit that grows through touching one another's wounds. Let's remind one another that what brings us true joy is not successfulness but fruitfulness."
My thoughts:
Relationships are built on vulnerability. We must lay our life and our desires down for another, remove all walls, risk being hurt and hurting by ours and others' humanness... With this said and in the light of this devotional above, relationships should not be measured by successfulness, but rather fruitfulness. In today's society, if you stick with your mate and seem happy, your marriage is a success. But what is a success other than 'control', 'mass results measured by humans', 'respectability', 'strength'? Marriage shouldn't be about these things, but rather selflessness, putting all other agendas aside, about nurturing, caring for, unconditional love, focus on God and the spread of His Word and glory. Marriage should be fruitful, not successful. Marriage should be grounded and centered on God and living for Him; not on control, temporary and immediate gratification. Marriage is not to further ourselves, but rather to share God with others, to lift up our spouse, to allow God to shine through us; male and female, unique and yet together as one. Marriage is about sharing and encouraging in each other's weakness and strengths, joys and sorrows, worries and peace. Marriage is God's way of seeing Him more completely. God doesn't need us to control and be successful, He needs us to serve and be fruitful.
The challenge of course is how to be fruitful, how to push our humanness aside and embrace God's calling. This is what I see as the challenge of marriage and all relationships. This is what I pray I learn. To serve w/o wanting to be served. To love to the fullest knowing my contentment comes from God and God alone. These are my thoughts and challenges I pray I learn with each blessing of a new day.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
I read a devotional last Tuesday. At the end of the reading, it asked, "Why do you think dreams are important to us? Do you allow yourself to dream? Have you allowed broken dreams to stop you from dreaming altogether?"
My thoughts:
Dreaming...we must first look at our hearts and motives involved with these dreams. Are they from God or centered around worldliness? I recognize I have both; which I think is okay. What's important are that the God given dreams are what we hold onto, hope for and work for; the worldly ones we give to God.
God has given me dreams and passions that can only be form Him. These dreams I hold dear to my heart. I have had to learn that 'God is not interested in time, but rather timing.' Some times years and years will pass before any sign of answered prayers or open doors. Right when I say 'okay God, I see this might never happen, but I will continue to pray because all things are possible with You,' and most importantly want only His will and timing, then something happens to give hope to this dream! Those dreams I think God gives us to help us grow, to mold us and teach us. These passions from God are immeasurable gifts; even though they may cause much pain at times.
Other worldly dreams Jason and I have such as vacation plans, paying off all student loans as quickly as possible, building a patio in the backyard, paying off our house, etc. are okay too. Although filled with good intentions, they must be given to God, not made our main focus or goal/mission in life. We must understand that God may have other plans.
With God, all things are possible!!!
My thoughts:
Dreaming...we must first look at our hearts and motives involved with these dreams. Are they from God or centered around worldliness? I recognize I have both; which I think is okay. What's important are that the God given dreams are what we hold onto, hope for and work for; the worldly ones we give to God.
God has given me dreams and passions that can only be form Him. These dreams I hold dear to my heart. I have had to learn that 'God is not interested in time, but rather timing.' Some times years and years will pass before any sign of answered prayers or open doors. Right when I say 'okay God, I see this might never happen, but I will continue to pray because all things are possible with You,' and most importantly want only His will and timing, then something happens to give hope to this dream! Those dreams I think God gives us to help us grow, to mold us and teach us. These passions from God are immeasurable gifts; even though they may cause much pain at times.
Other worldly dreams Jason and I have such as vacation plans, paying off all student loans as quickly as possible, building a patio in the backyard, paying off our house, etc. are okay too. Although filled with good intentions, they must be given to God, not made our main focus or goal/mission in life. We must understand that God may have other plans.
With God, all things are possible!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
From Places Afar to Places Called Home
As I mentioned in my previous blog, God has been answering my prayers to open my eyes (slowly but surely) to the world around me, the depth of Christianity and God Himself. The first book I read that made an impact on me in this area was Revolution in World Missions by K.P.Yohannan. Although I do not think the book was written extremely well, God helped me hear the message He wanted me to hear. In all my 25 years I have never heard the severity of the problems countries face, the number of unreached people (people who have never heard the Word of God of of Jesus), persecutions and missionary work in these areas.
Since I read this book, I have asked God to show me how to pray for these people and nations and those trying to reach them and make a difference. I have begun to follow closer sites such as The Voice of the Martyrs, Gospel for Asia, Open Doors and China Aid. In an article from, I came across a book I wanted to read; Escape From North Korea by Paul Estabrooks. As I read it my heart ached. Honestly I became angry that the conditions in North Korea are not vocalized and fought against more. In my opinion based on what I have read, North Korea conditions are similar to Germany during WW2... Why is this not being talked about? Why are Americans and other countries not doing anything to free and save the innocent souls from the evilness which 'governs' them? I highly recommend reading this book; it's easy reading and opens eyes to conditions that desperately needs to be changed.

I pray God shows me how to pray more deeply and what I can do as an individual. This brings me to my next point. I am saddened and tired of the many people, including Christians, in America not taking a stand for what is right. We know the Truth and yet we spend so much time trying 'not to offend' others around us. In the meantime, people around us are becoming more and more surrounded by and engulfed in sin. Look at the movies, the TV shows, advertisement, government, policies that find it 'morally and ethically' okay to kill innocent lives, sexual immorality, lack of parenting and marriage values, trying to 'remove' God from this country, etc... something needs to be done... souls need to be saved. Unlike other countries where people have never heard of God and His Son, American Christians need to help our fellow country brothers and sisters know God; truly know Him, not just know of Him. I am tired of being told 'oh well, there is nothing we can do...'. I pray God shows us what we can do. I pray this country grows and 'relearns' what it means to serve God, focus on Him and live for Him.
Until next time, may your days be filled with Christ, His joy and peace,
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
It's Time
I wrote the below email last Friday and wanted to put it on the blog so I can refer to it in the future...
Please take the time to look through the website of American Family Association; and any others like it within the next week or so. There are many immoral ‘changes’ taking place these days that we need to take a stand for. It breaks my heart thinking of the type of world our children and grandchildren will grow up in if we don't start taking a stand now (there are many different ways we can take a stand for what we know is right). I feel God calls us to speak against such evils. We can not just sit back and let this nation fall apart; we can not just sit back and let innocent lives be lost. I am not encouraging everyone to run out with signs and protest, but please, listen to see HOW God is calling you to 'take a stand'. It might be with consistent prayers, a letter, it might be with a phone call, volunteering, it might be for openly talking about your beliefs; there is NO limit how God can use us to make a difference in these areas.
Issues like stem-cell research without morals and God overseeing them will be extremely damaging. Getting my degree in Biochemistry and Genetics, I fully appreciate the concept of stem-cell research and what it can potentially do; however, not at the risk of using unborn fetuses and eventually promoting abortions and the 'harvesting' of fetuses for these studies. There are many ways to get stem-cells; umbilical cords, baby teeth, adult stem-cells to name a few. God will lead us to the "right discoveries", but we have to let Him lead and keep His laws and morals. We must not waiver. Let's take a stand and realize that science without God will ultimately lead to destruction. I firmly believe that science and God go hand-in-hand. Science is a wonderful gift from God; the more we learn about our world, our bodies, the universe(s), the more we see just how awesome our Father is!! It's absolutely amazing. (I'll be happy to share my opinion on this subject more if you want, but I didn't want that to be the focus of this email. I can tend to talk about this forever...)
Other issues such as "baby designing" workshops are on the rise; this needs to stop. Obama is trying to pass a law that prohibits any doctor or facility to refuse to perform an abortion or other procedure because of any 'moral issues'. This is outrageous. 1000s of doctors could loose their job because they will not commit this sin. As my friend put it: "Yes, the Catholic church is very upset about the possibility of forcing doctors to perform abortions. The Bishops have stated that they will shut down the 31% of hospitals in the US if this becomes law. Many doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist, etc. will be put out of practice if it becomes law since they will stand on the side of life. Our church is really talking about what actions to take."
Thank you for letting me share this with you. Have a wonderful weekend and may God help guide this country and ALL of its individuals.
Please take the time to look through the website of American Family Association; and any others like it within the next week or so. There are many immoral ‘changes’ taking place these days that we need to take a stand for. It breaks my heart thinking of the type of world our children and grandchildren will grow up in if we don't start taking a stand now (there are many different ways we can take a stand for what we know is right). I feel God calls us to speak against such evils. We can not just sit back and let this nation fall apart; we can not just sit back and let innocent lives be lost. I am not encouraging everyone to run out with signs and protest, but please, listen to see HOW God is calling you to 'take a stand'. It might be with consistent prayers, a letter, it might be with a phone call, volunteering, it might be for openly talking about your beliefs; there is NO limit how God can use us to make a difference in these areas.
Issues like stem-cell research without morals and God overseeing them will be extremely damaging. Getting my degree in Biochemistry and Genetics, I fully appreciate the concept of stem-cell research and what it can potentially do; however, not at the risk of using unborn fetuses and eventually promoting abortions and the 'harvesting' of fetuses for these studies. There are many ways to get stem-cells; umbilical cords, baby teeth, adult stem-cells to name a few. God will lead us to the "right discoveries", but we have to let Him lead and keep His laws and morals. We must not waiver. Let's take a stand and realize that science without God will ultimately lead to destruction. I firmly believe that science and God go hand-in-hand. Science is a wonderful gift from God; the more we learn about our world, our bodies, the universe(s), the more we see just how awesome our Father is!! It's absolutely amazing. (I'll be happy to share my opinion on this subject more if you want, but I didn't want that to be the focus of this email. I can tend to talk about this forever...)
Other issues such as "baby designing" workshops are on the rise; this needs to stop. Obama is trying to pass a law that prohibits any doctor or facility to refuse to perform an abortion or other procedure because of any 'moral issues'. This is outrageous. 1000s of doctors could loose their job because they will not commit this sin. As my friend put it: "Yes, the Catholic church is very upset about the possibility of forcing doctors to perform abortions. The Bishops have stated that they will shut down the 31% of hospitals in the US if this becomes law. Many doctors, nurses, anesthesiologist, etc. will be put out of practice if it becomes law since they will stand on the side of life. Our church is really talking about what actions to take."
Thank you for letting me share this with you. Have a wonderful weekend and may God help guide this country and ALL of its individuals.
Here I go... an overview
So I am determined to start to blog, after all, I have a lot to say! The past few months have been such a gift; Jason and I so enjoyed watching the birth of the 8 wonderful healthy puppies and watching them grow for 6 weeks. It was so hard to see them go, but it has been great seeing Pickles and Noodles back to normal and full of spunk! This past weekend we went to the farm. Jason and I had such a great time together, and the dogs thoroughly enjoyed running through the woods and playing in the mud towards the end! They are always so tired when they get back, it's pretty cute.
This time of the year always brings me such simple joy! I love watching the birth of new life as plants begin to turn green and grow and as flowers begin to bloom. I enjoy watching the baby animals start to branch out and try things for the first time. It's great to watch nature and all that it holds. God is truly amazing; what a gift He gives us each year. I've been working in our flowerbeds and our new garden the past few weeks! It's been so much fun and I can't thank Jason enough for helping me get the back garden ready. I've planted a mixture of flowers, herbs, fruits and veggies! Everything is growing really well. I've been so excited this week because the seeds I've planted (squash, zucchini, eggplant, watermelon, cantaloupe, and cucumbers) are all starting to sprout! What fun. I hope they produce fruit in a few months.
These are trying times right now and many political decisions are being made that will take us further and further away from God's will. Issues such as abortion, stem cell research, economic decisions, etc all need many many prayers. Our leaders need to seek God and embrace His will and law. I will write more on this as well when I have time.
Peace and Joy to you all! Peace and Joy He brings to us all!
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