The puppies are here! The puppies are here! Read all about it:
Pickles had 8 beautiful and healthy puppies this morning. She is doing really well herself! You can visit our other blog to see pics and a small video. Hope you enjoy! I'll be keeping that post updated with all the puppy updates!
Right now I sit in my kitchen watching my precious dog go through the beginnings of the first stage of labor. We expect her to have her puppies anytime from now until mid-week. I sit here and watch her take a mini-nap and worry about the pain she will go through.
I sit here and think about my precious grandmother who will go through extensive surgery tomorrow morning. My heart is worried and troubled for her, I pray for a beautiful recovery and for her pain to be very minimal.
While I sit here full of 'worry', I feel such peace; God's Peace. I know He is here with me, He is with my little puppy dog and all her babies, and He is with my beautiful grandmother tomorrow and each day she heals. There is no better place I would want any of my loved ones other than in God's perfect and Holy hands.
If you are reading this tonight, please keep my grandmother in your prayers, and even my doggie do.
Jason and I went hunting on Saturday morning. We knew the odds were against us, but we went anyways. It had rained all week, but stopped on Thursday, clear on Friday. Then it was a full moon with little clouds which means the deer are able to run around more at night. We woke up about 4:30 and got settled into our deer blind about 6:40am. Although we didn't see anything, we know there were deer moving around because we heard them and based on what we heard from other hunters on the lease. It was enjoyable non-the-less though. We did get to hear lots of unusual birds and other creatures, some of which we had no idea what they were. The squirrels were having a fit too. As Jason says, the wild squirrels are so different than the city squirrels. (I will try to write more soon about my thoughts I had while sitting in the blind that morning.)
Jason and I made Deer Jerky this weekend too. It was real fun and tastes great! I think we are both having fun learning to process our own meat this year rather than take it somewhere. It is nice knowing you are getting the deer you shot as well! Here is a picture of Jason 'tugging' on some of our Jerky! The dogs have been begging for some this weekend. Actually, we ran next door for about 10 minutes or so today and left a piece of jerky on the dinning table and when we came back, it was gone! Jason set the jerky and a Dr. Pepper together on the table b/4 we headed next door and when we came back, the jerky was gone but the Dr. Pepper was not knocked over! We assume it was Noodles b/c Pickles is getting too fat to jump up these days. Don't' forget to visit our Basset Blog to see updates there: