(She's waving at us!)
Twin B!!
This is the little guy responsible for all the movement I talked about in my earlier post! I found out that the babies are almost side by side. Baby B is more towards the front of my belly and Baby A is closer to my back. During the ultrasound, both babies were moving a lot, BUT... Baby B was showing off doing flips and all sorts of fancy moves. One second his head would be on the left, the next it was on the right. Then he'd face away and then face us, etc... Now I know why I feel the little movements I do!
Close up of Twin A
Close up of Twin B
Aren't they the most beautiful babies you've ever seen?!!!! Jason and I are just in awe.
Both twins in one picture. It's still so hard to see full profiles of both of them together, but I thought this was a great shot non-the-less!
Both babies look great and are growing at the same rate. Hearts look great as well as all the movement. It was so precious. I cried on my way home after seeing them today. It was amazing seeing their little faces; noses, eyes, chins, lips, ears, arms, legs, heart, etc. So amazing. Thank you Lord for our precious gifts!!