Thought for the day: Have you ever noticed that when it rains, you have weeding to do? When it rains heavily, you have even more weeding to tend to. Kind of like life... God uses the storms to cleanse our souls; to grow us and mold us into who He intended us to be! When the rains pour down, the weeds of our souls are revealed. It is the time after the storms have passed that we must get on our hands and knees and pull up everything that is crowding out the fruits of our garden/soul.
These are some of our front yard blooms.
Our garden in the back is looking really good. I've been enjoying eating our tomatoes and using our herbs.
These cucumbers are looking pretty good and filling with blooms underneath. I can't wait to eat the first one!
The cantaloupe and watermelon aren't growing as fast/well as everything else, but they are still growing and staying green none the less.
The zucchini and squash are growing great as you can see!
My jalapeno plant might still be small, but it's producing fruit just the same!
The last time we went to Jason's grandma's farm, we brought some fig trees back with us (or should I say fig tree roots). All four are growing really well. We are hoping at least two will take and we'll have ourselves nice fig trees in a couple of years. I just love figs and they are so good for you too : )
Pickles and Noodles are enjoying the green grass these days and soon they will enjoy some shade the tress will produce too.
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