THEY LOOK GREAT today and are now growing and diving as we speak!
Our sweet babies are tucked away safely and growing! How exciting! We won't know more until later this week as they don't want to interrupt them more than they have to. For now, our transfer date is Saturday!
Thanking God and praying for each one more than words can describe!
Here are some pictures of embroy's their first week of development for your reference (not our babies though...)

1 Day Embryo; zygote

3 Day embryo

"Day 5 IVF embryo at the blastocyst stageThe cluster of cells on the right side are fetal cellsThe other peripheral cells will become the placentaThe fluid-filled cavity of the blastocyst is on the left side."
Photos taken from
thanks for being so open and sharing this with us!! will continue to pray!!