Here is the most recent picture of Wyatt at 36.5 weeks. He's just adorable! I got to see him blinking his little eyes, opening and closing his mouth and even sticking out his tongue. It's starting to get even more real now. Gavin was looking down, so we still didn't get to see his sweet little face... boo. But... we'll get to see him in less than a week! See below for more info about my appt today.
GROWING FAST!!!!! Those two words sums up this past week. I can't get over at how fast the boys and I are growing! I thought we grew fast before, but this has to be by far the most in one week. My tummy is stretching so much, and is becoming so very heavy and feeling bruised. My belly button has popped 100% now and the lower part is hanging so much from boy's weight and the way they are sitting. I feel like they could just split my skin and come out any time.
The past few days I've actually been able to sleep more! It's still not 'normal rest', but I'll take anything I can get! Sunday morning I actually woke up feeling like I did back in January! Wow, what a gift from God to feel that much better! I think I over did it though, b/c by the late afternoon I was swollen and back to normal, but yay for a great morning!!! It's amazing how much better we can handle things when we get some sleep.
The boys haven't been as 'crazy' lately with their movements. They still move all the time, but it's a lot slower these days; more pushing and stretching vs jumping and rolling. Guessing that is because there isn't a lot of room any more! But because of that, I have been able to enjoy rubbing their little arms and legs! Yes, that' right, I sit here and can feel from the outside what seems long and skinny... only thing it can be is an arm or leg. Now, I'm not sure which it is though or if it's Wyatt's or Gavin's because of their positions... And then sometimes I can feel this tiny little bump and I know it's their little hands and feet. Oh, that is so cute too! And I just love how their heads fit into my hand now. I'll rub their heads and let them know how much I love them. I'm hoping they'll be used to me rubbing on them and be snuggle bugs when they are born! At least for a little while until they start wrestling with Daddy!
As you can see from my first photo, my doctor appointment was today and went really well. I started to cry as I watched our little guys on the ultrasound. They look like newborns now and it's just all getting so real and exciting! Oh, I can't even imagine what it will be like to hold our sons for the first time... just can't imagine! A few notes about our appointment:
- Gavin is still breech and Wyatt is transverse, so we'll stick to my scheduled C-Section on Monday the 7th. I have one more doctor appointment on Thursday and then a pre-op appointment at the hospital on Saturday and then the big day on Monday!
- I'm still only 1 cm dilated, but now about 50% effaced. Doctor said I'm still doing great and expects me to make it to Monday... but of course, only God knows.
- The boys are looking great and just as active as ever.
- My blood pressure is still good which is such a blessing.
- Still swelling like crazy, but because of the good blood pressure and other good results, no worries there.
- The estimates today showed Gavin to be about 6 lbs 5 oz and Wyatt to be about 5 lbs 14 oz. These of course are just estimates, but the doctor said expect 6 lb something boys next Monday. We are all very happy with their growth; very healthy boys! Their weight gain has slowed down some, but I can't expect any thing different with over 12 lbs of baby in me already... it's just getting so crowded in there for them. I keep telling them one more week and they'll be able to stretch out as much as they want!
I think that about sums it up for the updates. One week from tonight and we'll be snuggling our little blessings!!!