Well, I'm 48 inches around now! The boys continue to grow rapidly. I'm starting to feel them stretching out in new places of my tummy; a sure sign that they are growing even more! A few things to note from this past week or so:
- The swelling continues to increase. I hadn't gained weight in about 2 weeks and then all of a sudden, boom... weight gain in just a few days as my body started to retain the water more. You can really see it in the picture above in my feet (and everywhere I guess...sigh...) and this was a 'good' day. Days when I do 'too much', my feet are ginormous. Large indention's can be left in them. My thighs and arms are really water logged too; I feel like a giant water balloon. But nothing 'unhealthy' so far. Dr is more than content with my status.
- I'm still experiencing the Braxton Hicks; some days a whole lot more than others. The doctor checked my cervix and verified that all is perfect and no dilation yet! I'll continue to 'try not to overdo it', elevate my feet and drink lots of water.
- I've been organizing a whole lot and getting the house ready for the boys! We have the pack-and-play set up in our room, as well as everything organized. I'll wash clothes probably sometime next week and then set up blankets, diapers, etc around the house in the places I think I'll want them. It's so exciting to see things ready for our sweet boys!
- My belly button has 'popped', or at least as much as I think it will. I still have a small portion that never fully popped, but now the belly button is starting to poke out and thus I think it's safe to say I've popped. But unlike the saying goes, we are NOT done... still have lots of growing to do to make sure the boys are nice and healthy before they are born!
- Yesterday was one of my two weekly appointments. An ultrasound was taken, but we didn't get any pictures this time :( Both boys are doing great! They are estimating Gavin to be about 4 lbs 14 oz (just about 5 lbs) and Wyatt to be 5 lbs 8 oz; very big boys already! Can't believe I have about 10.5 lbs of baby in my tummy already! Both boys have flipped 180 degrees since our last ultrasound... Gavin is now breech; his head on my left side. Wyatt is still transverse, but his head is now on my right side. Gavin will need to turn back head down in order for me to have them naturally. If he doesn't turn, then a C-section will have to be done. I'd really like to have a natural birth for so many health reasons for the boys and me, but I feel confident that their birth is in God's hands. Only He knows what is best for all three of us, and I trust Him completely. If we end up having to have a C-section, the dr probably won't let me go past 37 weeks, which will be the first week of March. If Gavin does turn head down, then it will likely just come down to when my body wants to go into labor. I tell you though, if I haven't gone into labor by my 38th week, I won't mind trying to jump start labor on our own by walks, etc...!
- Some days are easier than others and by far, the days are easier than the evenings. It's getting to the point that I'm pretty uncomfortable, but I'm still so happy. As the days go, I can tell I'm more tired and unable to do half of what I want to do. But we knew Feb would be like this. My job now is to take it easy and keep our boys in as long as possible.
- I'm still not sleeping well at night. Not only do I wake up about 5-10 times to go potty (only b/c the boys are pressing on my bladder...), but most nights I just can't sleep. I can't sleep b/c I'm so uncomfortable, painful heartburn or just insomnia. I'm up on average 1.5 to 3 hours each night. I'm so thankful I don't have to wake up early to get ready for work. Don't think I could do that at this point with the lack of sleep at night.
- We've taken the birthing classes at the hospital. It's been a good experience, but can't say we've learned a whole lot. It's nice to at least hear some information again and learn what to expect.
I'm sure there is more, but I'll have to capture that in the next post. Until then, I'll be enjoying our boys growing and playing!!
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