So I am way behind in writing about our Thanksgiving (El Paso Christmas) and Christmas time with family. (I'm writing this on 01/22/12, but posting this right after Christmas time for a timeline sake...) I know I can't recapture it all, but here are the highlights I want to remember...
The boys were great travelers during our trip to El Paso for Thanksgiving. We split the trip into two days, 6 hours each day, which ended up working great for the boys and us. Our trip to El Paso was so great; getting to spend time with family was a great treat. The boys made themselves at home and did a great job not 'getting into things'. They loved the Christmas tree that my mom had put up for them as well as the outside decorations Uncle Josh put up too! The boys got their first taste of opening presents in El Paso and had SO MUCH FUN with all the paper! They were pros from the first day on. They loved the Dino Scooter/Walker and 4Wheeler Scooter my mom got them. They walked and walked and walked all over her living room with these all day, every day!
My mom, sister and I had a great girls day out getting our nails done and shopping one day! We also went Black Friday shopping which is a great tradition we love, but only get to do together every other year. Jason and I got a date night one night as well going out to Carlos and Mickey's and having Josh chauffeur us!
The boys (and us all) so enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner. Our day together was great and ended with us opening Christmas presents to one another since the four of us were in Houston for Christmas this year. We got to spend time with my grandma as well and take the boys to her house to see our cousins and uncle. I'm so thankful our boys adjust well in different environments with different people and are flexible with their nap schedules.
Here are just a few pics to capture our time...
We took the boys to the park that I used to take my brother and sister to when they were little. Great memories as we sat on the swings with our own two boys now!

Christmas 2011
The boys and us had a great time at the farm this past Christmas. They loved being in a 'new' place and exploring everything (and practice their walking). Santa had dropped off their new chairs with their names on them early in December. Jason and I had given them their little gifts as well; bells, books and Christmas dish towels, which they just loved. We felt they had everything they needed and wanted to get them just a few things to unwrap that they would enjoy. They still play with the bells and towels every day!
Christmas this year was wet and cold all weekend, so we stayed inside the whole time. But the boys didn't care one bit, they had so much fun being with family and exploring. They were showered with gifts that they had fun opening! They danced all the time and carried their new lacrosse sticks everywhere.
All throughout Christmas weekend, Gavin was practicing his 'big cheese face' for all the pictures! Too cute :)
My mom was able to come down for a week right after Christmas to spend with us and the boys. It was a great treat having her here. Our time was spent just enjoying each other's company and play with the boys!
We are so thankful for the wonderful time we were blessed with during Thanksgiving and Christmas with our families! What a gift it was watching Gavin and Wyatt experience each holiday as well. Christmas was extra special this year in the many ways I was able to reflect about Christ stepping into our world. I thank God for allowing me the time to rest in Him during this season instead of being caught up in 'the hustle and bustle'.
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