Morning came and I proceeded with our normal routine of snuggles, diaper changes, milk time, playtime and then breakfast. Once the boys were settled in their highchairs eating pancakes, I decided I’d take a test. The plan was to take it, let it ‘set’ as the boys ate and then go back to check it after breakfast, because I knew I’d see just one line. I took the test and before I could even have time to set the test down, two lines started appearing!! Yes, two lines! I was half in shock, but more in awe. My dream was real! Just weeks after miscarrying last month (November), God has blessed us with another child!
I took another test on Wednesday the 14th, my 28th birthday, and it came back positive again; just as fast as the first one! Jason and I are so excited. After all that we’ve been through trying to conceive, God has blessed us with another child. Gavin and Wyatt are going to be big brothers!! The next week I called my doctor to schedule an appointment for what I thought would be late January. They wanted to test my hcg levels with a blood test. Seeing that it was 4100 already, they called me and asked if I wanted to come in for an ultrasound that day (Wednesday Dec 21st)! Jason and both got to see the gestational sac that afternoon (it was too early along to see our baby).
I called my mom on Friday to let her know the great news! I asked her what she was doing mid-late August next year and if she wanted to meet her 3rd grandchild?! Saturday we told Jason’s mom when she came over to visit. I had a little stocking hanging on the chimney next to all of our other ones, with the pregnancy tests sticking out. I told my dad on Christmas day as a surprise!
I’ve been feeling well these past several weeks. I have a lot more nausea than I did with the boys, but nothing sever. It was an all day affair in the beginning and this past week it's been more of a 'from 3 pm on' thing. I’ll be doing great with energy, but then boom, it hits me and I just feel wiped out. I have a lot more energy with this pregnancy than I did the first trimester with the boys though. The only possible 'craving' so far is buffalo wings with the spicy tabasco sauce. Yum, yum, yum! I've eaten them twice this week already. I’m thankful that I started taking prenatal vitamins in November with my previous pregnancy. I’m also taking the Juice Plus regularly. I’ve also made sure that I eat when the boys eat! This ensures that I get all the nutrition I need without ‘forgetting’ to eat or just grabbing something fast.
I’ve noticed that I’ve started to ‘show’ a lot sooner than with the boys, even though we are just having one. I know it’s just bloating, but it’s for sure pregnancy related. I haven’t gained anything yet, but I have a little belly now. I have been assuming, and the doctor confirmed, it’s because I just had Gavin and Wyatt earlier this year and my skin and uterus is still ‘stretched’ which allows room for the extra bloating. I’m for sure not worried about it though, because I have seen what my body did during and after pregnancy with my twin boys.
Jason and I went in for another ultrasound appointment Thursday, January 5th and we were able to see, and slightly hear, our sweet baby's heart beat!! Our pregnancy has been very real to us from the beginning, but seeing his/her little heart beat in my belly sure did do something to us. We were captivated and in awe. I feel so thankful and blessed to be entrusted with another one of God's children. The doctor hasn't given us a specific due date yet, but based on the internet it will be around August 23rd. Because my previous cycle was not a typical cycle, it is a little more difficult to calculate. But still, at the doctor appoint, I was 7 weeks and our baby measured that of a 7 week old baby! This means Gavin and Wyatt will be 17.5 months older than their little brother or sister.
The first day I found out, my heart was full of joy. I noticed however that I had some fear due to my miscarriage only the month before. It almost felt as if my mind was trying to protect my heart. I decided very quickly that day that I was going to hand every thing over to God (as in all things) and rest in Him. I would not let fear take away my joy and time with my little one. I feel very strongly and know that God has a great purpose for this precious child. Without our awareness that 'it was time' to have another child, God breathed life into this sweet blessing and allowed for us to be his/her mother and father.
Lord, thank You for entrusting us with another child of yours! I pray that together we can teach him/her all about You; that all of our children grow close to You, love You, serve You and glorify You. I so look forward to seeing who You are making this precious child to be. What are his/her likes, dislikes, gifts, passions and paths You wish him to take? Whose lives will he touch and who will touch his? Please provide me the wisdom and discernment to shepherd these three precious children towards You. May all our children experience the joy and peace that only You can provide us. May they always feel loved and safe in this world, and most importantly, know Your love and protection. I pray for them to grow daily in their relationship with you. I pray for us as a family to grow in our relationship with You and each other. Thank You Lord for all you have entrusted to us. Thank You for your unyielding love and presence.
Dec 21st

what a blessing!!! i am so happy for you and your family... you are going to have so much FUN!
ReplyDeletei LOVED reading all of your heart really have a way with expressing excited for you and jason and the boys!! such a precious post!!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations!!!! We are so excited we get to welcome another beautiful baby into the family.