Yesterday I went to the doctor for a blood test to determine the gender of our precious baby. They also performed another ultrasound while I was there. The baby is doing great. He/she was actually pretty sleepy during the ultrasound; the technician kept trying to get a lot of movement, but he wouldn't have any of it! I don't blame him/her one bit; it was a rainy cold Monday, and he knew it!
Here are the ultrasound pics we received. They turned out real blurry, and not as clear as other images I saw on the screen. But we love them still! The doctor said to expect the gender results in 7-10 business days. I'm hopeful we'll get them early, but I guess we can't plan on knowing until next week.

I've been feeling well these past couple of weeks. I still get tired/worn out in the afternoons/evenings most days, but nothing drastic. My tummy has grown so much this past week or so. I will try to take a picture of my belly soon and post it. I'm just now starting to feel my belly all the time; it is starting to act as a break when I try to move certain ways to get something for the boys. It feels like I have a small basketball in there, and the boys just love to softly bounce on it when snuggling me; even they can tell a difference! I'm still in the in-between phase with my pants, but a lot of my shirts are getting a little snug around the tummy.
I'll post more within the week as we share the good news!
Cannot wait to hear boy or girl! So much fun!