This past month and a half has gone by so fast, and so much has gone on, that I know I’m going to overlook something I want to capture about my sweet one year olds at this time in their life. This month has really been a time for me to reflect a lot on this past amazing year. I try to think of the right words to use that will express the joy, the excitement, the things we’ve learned and struggled through, and I can’t. It’s one of those times I’m speechless, but I feel my heart doing the talking and the Spirit translating my thankfulness to God for me. Watching my boys grow from developing babies inside my womb, to precious newborns, to amazing toddlers has been the greatest gift to me. I feel that I’ve grown in so many ways watching them grow this past year.
This past month we celebrated Gavin and Wyatt’s first birthday throughout an entire week! I’ll post about their birthday celebrations in a separate post. But for now, here are a few things I want to capture about my sweet boys this past month and a half:
Both boys are literally running these days. They are working on stomping their feet too for fun when we sing, “If You Are Happy and You Know It’. They are learning to climb more and more and have zero fear. They can’t quite climb on the couch by themselves, but they have learned that they can push the scooter towards the couch and climb up on it that way! They stand on their scooters and such without hands to show off, and try to climb on windowsills, but they know better ;)
This past several weeks, the boys’ signing has taken off! They’ve been signing ‘milk’ for many months now, but up until several weeks ago, other signs were random. Now they are consistently signing ‘eat’ and ‘more’ when they are hungry or want more. They sign ‘all done’ when they are finished eating. They still sign milk, even if they want a drink of water (although we have their cups laying around so they can drink when thirsty all throughout the day). They are also signing ‘help’, well, their modified version since it’s a more difficult one, but none the less, it’s a consistent sign that is very similar to the correct version. They are also signing sleep and bath.
No new words they say consistently this month, but there has been a lot of parroting done by both. The other day for example, after talking about the color ‘yellow’ all week, Gavin pressed the yellow button on his activity table, it said ‘yellow’, and then he repeated clear as can be, ‘yellow’.
Both boys are VERY aware of what they should and should not do (although they don’t always do the right thing). They have the ‘no’ down in both words and head nod, and say ‘yeah’ while nodding their head up and down. They will do something they know they should not do, throw food on the floor from their high chair for example, and then look at us and say, ‘no’ all while shaking their head. It’s so funny we have to turn our head and laugh w/o them seeing us.
The boys have truly become wonderful snuggle bugs! I love this and am treasuring it greatly. Throughout playtime each day, both boys take ‘time outs’ to come snuggle on mama’s lap and get hugs and kisses. They just snuggle in. At other times, they come running to me with great big hugs and kisses. It just melts my heart!
The boys have been on whole milk and no bottles since the middle of February. The transition was very easy and the boys never missed either one. Since about 11 months, they were having formula in a bottle in the mornings when they work up, before breakfast. They rest of the day they’d have cow’s milk from a sippy cup during meals and water throughout the day. Then one day I just stopped the bottle of formula, came upstairs with sippy cups of water, and then we had breakfast as usual. That’s it; no crying, no worries!
The boys use straws and sippy cups with straws for their water these days. They only use the ‘typical sippy cup’ for milk, because it’s easier to keep milk cups clean that don’t have small parts or straws. I found a spillproof straw cup that we love; it’s the Tommy Tippy brand! They also just drink from mama’s glass with a straw throughout the day, but I of course hold the glass!
The boys still use their pacifiers, but I’ve only been giving it to them at sleep time. They never miss it throughout the day. Sometime this next month, I’ll take it away completely and see how that goes. I do not expect much fuss from them, since they only use it briefly when they lay down and when they wake up; never while they sleep.
Because the boys’ internal 5 AM alarm, we were very excited about Springing Forward this year! It fell on the day after their 1st birthday party. The transition went seamless. They still go to bed about 7:30 (unless a rough nap day and thus about 7), but are now waking up sometime between 6 and 7! Woohoo! Loving this extra hour of rest. Naps have been a bit unpredictable these days depending if they wake up at 6 or 7. The later they sleep in the morning, the later their morning nap gets pushed back (averaging between 9:30 and 11am). The later their morning nap is and the better they sleep, means no or little second nap. So some days they take two naps, and some days 1. The inconsistency makes it a little difficult to plan our days in advance, but it’s just a transition as their bodies mature and we adjust to the time change. All in all, they sleep about 3 hours of naps throughout the day (sometimes 2 though).
Gavin and Wyatt love playing with each other these days. They play toys and chase each other all the time. They will crack each other up and squeal in delight as they run around the house or game room!
They love to be outside. We’ve been going for a lot of walks lately in which all of us are on foot. They love to explore the world around them and this new freedom. They’ve especially enjoyed going for walks after it rains. Rain puddles are the best; lots of stomping, splashing and wet clothes!
Both boys had 8 teeth by 8 months, and then nothing. But the past couple of weeks Wyatt has been cutting his two top molars. Both are already out, but still ‘growing’. His bottom gums are super swollen too, but no teeth out yet. So Wyatt has 10 teeth to date. Gavin has been gnawing on his finger like crazy on his left side, but no signs of a tooth yet, and he typically does not have swollen gums like Wyatt does when teething. We’re expecting a tooth from him soon.
The boys still love all the same toys they did a month ago, but perhaps they are using the ‘house’ a little less and less. This month’s ‘hot toy’… the traditional ‘popcorn’ popper. They loved it so much, I had to buy another one so they could both use it at the same time. They just push it around the game room together and crack up as we hear ‘pop, pop, pop, pop’!
The boys still love to dance and each are developing their own special moves! Wyatt still loves to bounce up and down, but now is also adding arm thrusts along with it. He’ll open his arms wide, throw them together, and then repeat over and over. Gavin loves to shake his shoulders and head. He does this when he’s happily playing and eating too!
Just the past week, Gavin gets ecstatic when I turn on the TV upstairs in the game room. We don’t watch a lot of TV during the day, and thus they know that typically when I turn it on, it means they get to watch a Baby Einstein as a treat. Gavin squeals and starts clapping and running around. It’s so cute!
The boys are excellent eaters still. There is nothing they won’t eat. I’m surprised at how much they love things even like chicken salad (made with mustard and relish even) and tunafish. They love goldfish which we let them try for the first time this week. They are taking bites out of most things, but still there are many things I still cut up for them, mainly because Gavin loves to shove everything in his mouth at once. Wyatt is great about eating 1-2 pieces at a time, but Gavin tries to see just how much he can fit in at once. I can not tell you how many cheerios or goldfish he tried to put in; but I know there has been more than 10 cheerios at once! We’re working on it, but he just finds it funny. Also, I'd have to say their 'favorite' food right now (if I can say that, because they love everything) is oranges and watermelon. I have to hide these two fruits during meal time until the end, or Wyatt especially won't eat anything else. He will cry and cry until he gets his oranges or watermelon. Or he will want more oranges or watermelon instead of finishing his lunch. So, we save these two fruits until the end as desert now.
The boys definitely went through a growth spurt this past month. Gavin is now 31.5 inches and 25 lbs. Wyatt is now 31 inches and 24 lbs. They now wear 18 months to 2T depending on the clothes. PJs are typically 18 months, but 24 month one pieces work better. Pants and shorts are 18 months, although Gavin can wear some 24 and 2T shorts. Shirts are 50/50 18 and 24 months, although the 24 months fit Gavin a lot better since some of the 18 months are too short.
The boys are loving ‘learning’ specific things each week. I’ve seen a dramatic difference in their awareness to shapes and colors. They love letters and phonics and practice all day long. They also love to learn different parts of the body. Right now they easily can point to (theirs and others) head, hands, feet, hair, nose and this week we are talking about eyes which they seem to be catching on to quickly.
The boys absolutely love water. Whether it’s the bath, the water table, rain puddles, or the water hose, they have so much fun! This summer will be a blast playing in our little pool on the patio and taking them to the community pool and splash zone!
They’ve been working on using their scooters correctly this month. They can go backwards very well, and are getting better and better about scooting forward (although most of the time it’s walking forward with the scooter in between their legs). They also get on and off their rocking horse by them selves (although I still help them at times) and are rocking themselves back and forth now.
The boys seem to be playing with toys and others on a whole new level. I often look at them and see ‘little boys’ now, and not ‘babies’ or even ‘toddlers’, although I know they are toddlers. They just play so mature sometimes. I think the difference I’m seeing is because of their interaction together. They have a way of communicating with each other that’s amazing.
Because the boys interact so much with each other, there is a lot of laughter and silly play amongst them. But there is also times in which they become irritated at each other or can hurt each other accidently. They are learning how to play nice, share and be gentle with each other.
Wyatt loves to wrestle and roll on the floor. Gavin typically enjoys playing along, but sometimes just isn’t in the mood. This can cause some tension as you can imagine.
Gavin and Wyatt are pure boys in everything they do. They are dare devils and without fear. They love to make tooting noises with their mouth. The other day all four of us were wrestling on the couch while the three boys were making tooting noises by blowing on the leather couch. I was cracking up as I saw a small glimpse into my future!
With an increasing awareness their desire to communicate is growing, but still does not match their ability yet. I’ve seen an increase in whining this past month, but continue to talk to them about learning to express what they want, need or are feeling. While their have a great vocabulary for 12 months, their signing is a huge help for both them and us.
They are increasingly learning to play independent of mama and more with each other these days, although I’m right along with them in most activities. I try to give them time to explore with each other though. They are still very clingy to mama though. If I leave the room, they have to be right with me or will be very upset. While I love being loved, it does make it a little difficult at times when I’m just popping in a room to grab something for a second. Both boys get very upset if mama isn’t sitting with them during meal time. This past month or so, the boys have started to be clingier with daddy too though. I love watching their bond with him grow stronger each month. They truly get thrilled when daddy is home and playing with them!
The boys still love music time, but are starting to play more and more. They love to play with all their instruments like they are supposed to these days. Everything gets turned into a drum or trumpet too, ha! The boys new favorite song (in addition to all the others) is 'Old McDonald'. They love walking around the house singing, 'Ee-ii-ee-ii-eeee' (w/o the 'oo')!
I know I am missing so many of the precious things I treasure about Wyatt and Gavin at this age. I’ll capture more in my next post I am sure. Pictures will be posted with their birthday celebration post.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
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