Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Dream Home

I've heard a lot lately about dream homes; we've even been looking at pictures of available homes we might consider moving into in the next couple of years.  But all this random talk has gotten me thinking about what I really consider my dream home to be...

I want my dream home to be a place where people walk through the door and feel a sense of automatic Peace; a retreat from the world outside; a haven so to speak.  The Peace that only comes from Christ.  I want Love to be felt by all who live here and enter.  God's Love and that which He allows to fill us and overflow to those around us.  I want there to be so much Joy and laughter.  The Joy that is experienced in a life with Christ.  I want people to take their shoes off and get comfortable; for it to be clean but lived in.  I want it to be a place where we can share excitement, fears and trials; a place we can be who God created us to be.  I want it to be a place of encouragement and acceptance.  I want it to be known deep in our hearts that God is the center of our lives; in every aspect of it.  I want our family time to be cherished.  Each person who entered should be honored and treated as the child of God they are.  I want friends to be able to stop by and chat; knowing that we always make time for family and friends.  I see a home filled with Thankfulness.  Prayer and praise should be on our lips all throughout the day.  We will learn to choose our words carefully and protect our eyes, ears, minds and hearts.  We will seek forgiveness from God and others when we fall short.  Opinions are expressed and discussed and respected.  Truths are taught and cherished.  Rules are created and upheld and discipline enforced when not respected.  God's Word is everywhere and in our hearts and minds and on our lips.  Good food is always available and prepared.  Hugs and kisses and embraces are common all throughout the day.  Mama and Daddy will keep their relationship as the most important second to God.  Our children know they are cherished and delighted in; loved unconditionally.  They will feel loved and safe.  This will be a place their roots are created so they can take flight when God calls them to lead the life He has called them to.  We will learn to be good stewards with all God has entrusted to us.  We will enjoy God's creation and the life He has given us.

My dream home is our haven on earth; a gift from God until we gather in the home He has prepared for us in heaven.

And when life is hard and we fail or make mistakes, I want each to rest in God's peace and joy because they know that our home is filled with His Grace; and it is this Grace we extend to each other and those who enter.  This Grace is probably the most important aspect of my dream home; it's only through Christ that we can have and extend it.  Nothing has taught me more about Grace than being entrusted with three little precious boys under the age of 2.  God has lavished me with His Grace and I pray He continues to help me learn to extend it to those most dearest to me.  

My dream home is perfect; perfect because it gives us a special place to live out our humanness with each other while lavishing in God's amazing Grace!  I will continue to work at building our dream home for my family and me and all those God has brought and will bring into our lives.  For we do not labor in vain.  The wise woman builds her home; builds it on the Rock and not shifting sands.  My dream home is not just a dream; but a living, and continual, work and gift I can give to my family and God.  

Thank You Lord for building our home and for building Your home inside each of us.  Thank You for creating the family and the home to look, act and feel the way You have.  Thank You for helping us create and live in our dream home with You!

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