Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Cup of Life

A poem by Joyce Rupp:

A simple container
has spoken
in my solitude,
a teacher
and bringer of wisdom

whispering truths
of an indwelling God
in the container
of my soul

hearkening to
my hidden ability
to be filled
and to pour
from a life
of abundance

reminding me
of necessary boundaries
for nurturing
the sacred space
within me

inviting me
to sip often from
the Divine wellspring,
source that slakes
my spiritual thirst

calling to me
like a seed
in the soil:

believe believe believe
in the power
that is present
in the life
that is possible

"I have called you by name,
You are mine...
You are precious in my sight,
and honored, and I love you"
~Is 43:1,4~

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