Tuesday, June 23, 2009

My Garden in mid-June

"Why the gardening mania?... Because we crave the sweet serenity of greens and golds and deep brown earth. Because fellowship with God began in a garden, and we long for that time and place. Because leaves quivering in the wind, blossoms nodding, grass ruffled by a breeze, remind us of our real home and the peaceful destiny awaiting us. Because when I cheer up with my geraniums, smile at my pansies, laugh with my petunias, they teach me bout God's big greenhouse bursting with joy.

Take the seedlings on loan from heaven and share the growth. Get your gloves muddy, your face tanned, and your knees crinkled here on earth. Nurture faith and love. Keep believing in the harvest. God will make something beautiful out of your effort and energy."
~Barbara Johnson~

"How many are your works, O LORD!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures."
~Psalm 104:24~

"If things are tough, remember that every flower that ever bloomed had to go through a whole lot of dirt to get there. The Almighty Father will use life's reverses to move you forward."
~Barbara Johnson~

This was my first zucchini we picked on June 3rd! It was wonderful and actually huge... not like my first mini-tomato and jalapeno : )
My garden on June 22nd; it's really growing well. The tomatoes, cucumbers, flowers, jalapenos, squash and zucchini are starting to grow into each other. The hot summer Houston weather is taking its toll on my jasmine and lavender, but everything else looks really good.
some tomato plants and my cucumbers

zucchini, squash and more...

I see some good eating in the near future!

Our fig trees are looking great too. Our sweet dogs thought that they would like to have a fig tree as well and ended up pulling up two of them. You should have seen them playing constantly with the roots; Jason and I think they must have tasted really good. But we ended up putting a dog gate/fence area around the trees to give them time to take root without our 'little helpers'!

Speaking of 'little helpers', here they are!

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