Today as I was running, the signs of ‘drought’ did not bring sadness to my heart, but instead I rejoiced in the different seasons of nature and in life. Whether drought, floods, storms or peaceful calmness, God is in it all. Creation and our lives are never without God’s faithful love and Holy presence. Just as we must prepare our souls for the storms of life, so too must we prepare them for the droughts. Much extra efforts and nourishment must be given to the plants facing the extreme heats with no rain. Just as the plants with deep roots will survive the storm, only those with continual daily feedings will survive the death that calls for their destruction. Those lucky to receive some shade at some time during the day seem to flourish the most. We too must find shelter in the shadows of God if we are to continue to grow and produce much fruit. The shadows produced by the sun move throughout the day; so too does the shadow of the Son move about His creation. We are not mean to stay stagnant, no mater how comfortable or appealing it may be at the time. We are meant to follow God and rest in His every moving and ever nurturing shadow.
During my run I felt the softly rippling lakes calling my name, promising refreshment for my hot and weary body. I felt such peace as I heard the water lap upon the shore and watched the birds fly and swoop about. The lake was like God’s Word to me. Calling me in, bringing me joy, peace and hope for refreshment. I then realized that to sit and admire the lake is wonderful in itself; to be refreshed by the shear idea and hope of God is absolutely beautiful. But it is only when we dive into the water that we are truly refreshed. Getting your feet wet may be fine at first, but the rest of your body will thirst for more. The only way to truly be refreshed by the Word is to dive in fully. The deeper you go into the Water, the cooler it becomes and the more your body is refreshed and ready to pour out God’s overflowing love to the world and all in it that He has the strongest affection for.
In John 13:37, Peter asked Jesus, ‘Lord, why can I not follow You now?” As Oswald Chambers says, “Peter did not wait for God. He predicted in his own mind where the test would come, and it came where he did not expect it. ‘I will lay down my life for your sake.’ Peter’s statement was honest but ignorant. Jesus answered him, ‘… the rooster shall not crow until you have denied Me three times.’ This was said with a deeper knowledge of Peter than Peter had of himself. He could not follow Jesus because he did not know himself or his own capabilities well enough. Natural devotion may be enough to attract us to Jesus, to make us feel His irresistible charm, but will never make us disciples. Natural devotion will deny Jesus, always falling short of what it means to truly follow Him.”
Admiring the water and being refreshed by its promises of hope is beautiful natural devotion, but it is only when we leap in and swim to the depths God calls us that we will truly be refreshed by serving our Lord, Creator and Savior.
Last Sunday I went ahead and planted more more seeds. These are my additional cantaloupes I planted just last weekend! I also planted more watermelon, eggplant, collard greens and broccoli. All the spouts are starting to pop up! I have so enjoyed putting time and love into my little garden and watching it grow. Watching life unfold before us is just another gift we are blessed with.
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