About a year or so ago, Jason and I went to see the movie Cloverfield. Well actually, I should say Jason saw the movie Cloverfield and I got to spend a lot of time getting to know the ladies' room at the Cypress Cinemark... You see, I had been having extreme nausea and heartburn all week before we went to see the movie, but 'for some reason' that night it was just overboard. The first 5 minutes started out okay and then I missed the next 20 minutes or so of the movie. I tried to see if I could make it the rest of the movie, but found myself only watching about another 5 minutes before having to leave. Poor Jason was being so sweet and wanted to take me home, but I insisted that he enjoy the movie after we had paid for two tickets, popcorn and a soda (which of course I couldn't even think about looking at). So to make a long story short, I think I might have seen about 30-40 minutes of the movie.
I knew that it 'wasn't the movie' that made me sick, as I was feeling so bad all week. But...
Yesterday Jason and went to see District 9. About 5 minutes into the movie I started to feel real sick to my stomach and a headache started to develop. About 10 minutes into the movie I couldn't even think about drinking the soda and eating my Twizzlers Jason had gotten me.
What is the link you ask... silly Hollywood trying to give viewers the 'real documentary feel'. Both movies were shaky if you will. I mean, come on... Hollywood has all this money and we live in an age of amazing technology and they have to make movies like this?! Ugh... I think I need to send a letter to all movie producers... JK!
So with that said, I am surprised that I can not handle movies like that. I mean I can spin and flip while dancing, I love roller costers, airplanes rides are fun, you name it... but these type of movies just really get to me.
Now unlike Cloverfield, I was able to watch District 9 all the way through! Both Jason and I enjoyed the movie. It is definitely a guy movie though... the 'violence' and gore was definitely there. I was impressed the way they did it though; most areas where people or aliens were being shot were very 'video game like' in the fact that they were 'vaporized' and mostly done at a distance. It could have been a lot worse, so I was thankful it wasn't. Nothing was done for 'shock value' in my opinion. One of the worst parts in my opinion was when this guy ate cat food... yup, that just didn't settle well with my queasy stomach and headache... The plot was good though. I actually came out pretty tired at the end because of the non-stop action. I do ask one thing though... parents, please do NOT take your children to see this. They will have nightmares... A family behind us took their what seemed to be 2 year old. I know the child was young, but seriously... they have to 'soak in' some of the movie...
Anywho, I'd recommend seeing the movie, but BEWARE if you are anything like me...
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