Meet Sadie, Grandma's new 8 week old Dachshund! Jason and I picked her up on our way out to the farm on Friday. She seemed a little unsure the first night, but by mid-day on Saturday she was bouncing around and 'keeping up' with the big dogs!
Believe it or not, that little girl could climb these steps herself!
Great shot of Mom's male Dachshund Buster Brown. See our other blog to see other pictures of the Dachshund and Basset family weekend!
Jason and I had a great time hunting on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Last year was a pretty good dove season, but this year has been great! The weather was perfect this weekend as well; nice cool breeze while hunting made it extra nice! Nadine and I had a great girls time on Saturday as well. We went antique shopping in Salado right outside of Austin. We didn't even see half of the stores so we'll have to go back again soon. I think the store owners were getting a kick out of us oooing and awwing over all the great stuff. I think we both know what we'll be getting for Christmas! I had a blast and look forward to going back!
Our dogs think they own this couch at Great-Grandma's! And yes, Noodles is sleeping on Pickles...
I loved little Sadie trying to mimic the big dogs... what a cutie!
Here are some of my favorite shots I took this weekend with my new camera; I hope you enjoy them.
How precious are those pups?!