Thursday, September 3, 2009

To Delight My Heart

About a month ago or so I started to read Captivating by John and Staci Eldridge. In it, they talk about God 'romancing' us; giving gifts to delight our hearts. John got to see a whale while walking the beach during a work conference. Staci wanted to see one too and prayed that God would 'give her this gift too' when she went up to the conference with him the following trip. She did not see one, but what she got was a gift of her own! She saw a single beautiful starfish and was well pleased... but then she turned the corner and realized she was surrounded by many starfish of all colors and sizes!!! God had given her her very own unique gift to delight her heart!

Ever since then I have paid close attention to the 'gifts' God gives us every day; big and small. Just this past Tuesday I enjoyed watching a dragonfly buzz around me for a few minutes. So close and so beautiful!

Here is my secret:

About a week ago or so, I bought a hummingbird feeder as I mentioned in my previous post and Jason helped me hang it. As I sat on our porch last week reading, I secretly asked God for a 'gift'; 'I'd love to sit here and have multiple hummingbirds fly around and drink the sweet nectar!' Every time I was out, I would see a hummingbird flying around, but never drink while I was out there. So when I happened to be walking by the dinning room and saw a hummingbird enjoying the feeder, I'd stand and watch with joy from the inside. Still thanking God for His gift!

But yesterday...

I had gotten home and decided to go outside to take pictures of some new flowers I had bought (see pictures at the end). They are very neat; the blooms actually look like little blue 'bubble wrap pieces'... petals filled with air! Then they open up and TaDa! So I get down on the ground and begin to try to find the correct angle for the picture when all of a sudden I hear 'zoom...zoom...zoom...' I look up expecting to see a swarm of bees and instead I got hummingbirds!! At first there was only two, but then there were three! They were so close and not afraid of me at all. AND I HAD MY CAMERA!!! They stayed flying around right in front of me, almost flying into me a few times, for at least 5 minutes. Then Jason came outside; I thought they'd surely fly away, but they didn't! He got to enjoy them for another 5 minutes or so!

Oh what a gift! I hope you enjoy some of the pictures below too!

Jason had to change the location of his deer feeder on his new lease and put up fences around them. After all that work, the deers found the new spot! Aren't they beautiful?! The first picture has two deer in them.


  1. Oh my gosh! The hummingbirds are beautiful! I love this!

  2. how exciting for each of us to watch for the variety of gifts God sends each day. thanks for sharing your hummingbirds with us!!
