So... the past couple of weeks we noticed Pickles was getting tubby, but just figured she was becoming a 'mature' basset. She was full of energy, which was nothing like her first pregnancy. The minute she was prego last year she became so lethargic. Well, this past week Jason and I kept looking at her and rubbing her tummy and telling each other, "She has to be pregnant... just has to be." So by Friday we decided that she must be prego, but I wanted to take her to the vet to make sure there wasn't some infection going on instead. I'd hate to think we ignored something and she was hurting.
So I took her to the vet Saturday morning and the vet said her uterus is definitely enlarged and she can feel something in there. We will take her back in a week or two to get x-rays to determine how many pups she has. We didn't do this last time and I was so worried when she 'finished labor' that she still might have another puppy in there.
We expect her to deliver sometime around the week of November 8th, which would allow the puppies to be ready right before Christmas!
Here is a pic of Pickles now, roughly around 5 weeks or so along. We're going to go get her puppy chow today! Noodles will be a lucky duck and get this treat as well. Jason and I can't wait to love on these new precious little cuties soon!!!
Go to our Basset Blog at to view more pics of the dogs! I'll put all the puppy updates on that blog.
Aww how exciting! This is great news! :)