Last Friday night Jason and I attended the Third Day concert here at the Berry Center. We both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. The entire night was not only very entertaining but God focused...... In addition to the great songs that evening, their message was just what I needed to hear.
A few fun things Third Day did:
- A girl was trying to video tap them and he took it from her trying to take a picture of himself singing. He realized it was a video camera and so walked around the stage video typing the group while he was still performing! I bet she was thrilled!
- In the middle of the evening they went down to the floor of the arena and gathered on a small platform and performed there. It felt like a small 'coffee shop' setting with acoustics and singing only. They did a lot more talking and sharing instead of just entertaining. That's one reason I love Christian concerts so much. You are not going to just to be entertained, but rather worship our Lord!!
It was a fun night and we are both so glad we went!

Sounds like fun :)