After graduation from college and our move to Houston, Jason and I knew we wanted to find a home church as soon as possible. We found a church fairly quickly that we both liked; sermons were great and seeing how it was a large congregation, we just knew we would find a place for us, a place we could serve. Well, month after month passed with closed doors to every effort we put out. These were wonderful Christian people so I just knew that these closed doors to servant hood and relationships had to be from God; He had other plans for us and this was not to be our home church. One day after about a year, an event happened that was the biggest sign to us that this was not the place we wanted to raise our family in. So, we started out again in search of where God wanted us to be.
We tried multiple churches; all of which were really nice. But nothing felt 'right'. I hate the idea of church shopping, but we knew God had a plan and His ways are marked with peace, non of which we had about any of the places we went. Then that one day came! Jason and I attended St. John Lutheran not too far away from our home. We pulled into the parking lot and sat down for service. It wasn't one specific thing that made us at home, but I just knew this is where God wanted us. I felt as if He was telling me, 'This is where I want you two, this is where I have plans for you.' So... we started to attend regularly and started to take the new member classes this past month. Today Jason and I became 'official' members!! What a wonderful gift! We have finally found a place where we can unite with our Christian family and begin to serve! The past few months, I've been working with a couple of ladies getting ready to start a mentoring program between teen ladies and ladies in their 20s who have recently traveled down the roads they are about to embark upon. I'll share more about this later. Here is what I wrote about it the other week:
Finding your Internal Light:
Knowing who you are in Christ!
Today's world presents our youth with so many challenges; creating confusions, fears and uncertainties. Before you can face the world, it's vital to know who you are, what you believe and what you stand for. As individuals, we must know who we are and Whose we are. At that point when we seek God for guidance and direction in our life, we will hear Him and better understand how to follow.
We'd like to invite the young women, grades 7-12, to get together with other young women who recently went through the stages in life they are embarking upon. Our times will be spent having fun in fellowship while sharing life, experiences and God with each other.
Our first activity will be held on Friday, April 9th for a High School Senior Girls' Night Out. We'll get together to share tips and experiences on what life will be like after HS. Technology, dating, parties, studying, careers, etc. Senior girls, please bring along your friends and lots of questions, fears, and excitements to share!
Also, mark your calendars for the weekend of May 14th for a time of spa and fashion in preparation for the summer! We'll have one event for the 7-8th grade ladies and one for those in 9-12th grade.
Knowing who you are in Christ!
Today's world presents our youth with so many challenges; creating confusions, fears and uncertainties. Before you can face the world, it's vital to know who you are, what you believe and what you stand for. As individuals, we must know who we are and Whose we are. At that point when we seek God for guidance and direction in our life, we will hear Him and better understand how to follow.
We'd like to invite the young women, grades 7-12, to get together with other young women who recently went through the stages in life they are embarking upon. Our times will be spent having fun in fellowship while sharing life, experiences and God with each other.
Our first activity will be held on Friday, April 9th for a High School Senior Girls' Night Out. We'll get together to share tips and experiences on what life will be like after HS. Technology, dating, parties, studying, careers, etc. Senior girls, please bring along your friends and lots of questions, fears, and excitements to share!
Also, mark your calendars for the weekend of May 14th for a time of spa and fashion in preparation for the summer! We'll have one event for the 7-8th grade ladies and one for those in 9-12th grade.
Please say a prayer for this new ministry; that God takes us only where He wants us to go!
Dear Lord, thank you for bringing Jason and me to this beautiful congregation and surrounding us with such wonderful people. I pray this is not just a home in which we are fed Lord, but a place in which we can serve and share with others what you have so lavished upon us. May your light shine through each of us as we live our daily lives. May our personal walk with you only become stronger, that we may know you more deeply. Thank you for your many blessings and for being with us each step of the journey you have chosen for us. Thank you for your Son, Jesus Christ, who died for our sins and who was raised and sits at your right side. It is in His name we pray, Amen.
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