For the past month, I've wanted to take some special pictures using our ultrasounds, our pregnancy tests and Scripture. Here are two of these pictures I wanted to share. The first one has our ultrasound in the back ground showing both babies. It is then overlay with a picture of 'Hannah's Prayer' from 1 Samuel along with a cross that will be hung in their nursery. Seeing this picture reminds me that the Word is active and alive... that God knit us together in our mother's womb!
I am so very thankful for our children God has entrusted to us. I do not yet know them, but I love them so dearly. As I watch my body change, I am amazed and thankful for God's continual presence in our lives.
I thought I'd share some 'growth' pictures too! I started to get a 'lil' tummy' about 6 weeks (babies about 30 days old). I was amazed at how fast I was growing. Then each week since I've really began to grow more. If you all know me, the below pictures are a dramatic difference in my size and I think it is so very cute!!! I love my lil' tummy knowing our precious babies are growing in there! Right now they are about the size of a quarter and their amniotic sac is about the size of a chicken egg.
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 weeks
9 weeks
Yes, you can even see my tummy through my outfits now! My pants no longer button or zip these days (except for the large ones I owned that you see in my 9 week shot). I'm thankful for the Belly Bands since my maternity pants are still too big. Since they don't even zip, I can't use the 'rubberband' trick any more either! Still no weight gain, but I know that is coming some day soon and openly embrace it!
YAY for all of this! Great idea with the pictures. Once again, I am loving "Sacred Parenting", and I love that I get to journey through it with you! Take care of those babies...and yourself!