Jason and I got to see our sweet little babies for the first time yesterday morning! As soon as they started the ultrasound, we saw them right away... yes, TWINS!!! It was so easy to see the separate sacks and then each little baby. Their little hearts were beating so fast; it was precious. You could make out little arms and legs buds. It was such an incredible feeling :)
Here are pictures of our little munchkins!
It was really difficult for the doctor to get both babies in the pictures at the same time. We think she did a great job though and will always remember how each one looked during our visit!
Thursday night Jason and I had a HUGE scare which led us to going to the doctor on Friday vs Monday... I started to spot which is so unnerving. I ran straight to the bed and called the doctor (at 10pm at night!). Since there is nothing really anyone could do, we agreed that I'd just stay in bed and go to the doctors in the morning to check on the babies and me. I stopped bleeding half way through the night; it was never really a lot, but to me, any blood while pregnant is way too much. I spent the whole night praying and focusing on all the TRUTHS I know about God from His Word. When morning came, I didn't do anything to myself, but put on shoes and we left to the doctors (hence my tired look in the picture). It was such a beautiful sight when we saw our little blessings and watched their hearts beating so fast! They say that about 20-30% of women bleed during pregnancy. I don't like that one bit... They say it can be normal and not caused by anything... just something that happens. I pray it doesn't happen any more b/c it's so scary. I know I have to continue putting all my trust and fears in God's hands.
Thank You God for entrusting us with two of your precious little angels!!!
GRATZ!! Keep us up to date about the babies =)