During the visit Baby A kept stretching his neck back and forth for us; almost like he was trying to show us a new trick he just learned! (This process kept pressing his face into the placental wall, which made it difficult to take the 3D picture of him! So for now, we'll just have to guess a little more what he's looking like since he was having too much fun playing!)
Both A and B were touching their face a whole lot during the visit which was fun to watch. It was wonderful watching them move and play!
It was great fun watching and feeling Baby B kick at the same time. He did this a lot during the appt!

Mommy Update:
Just this past Saturday, I've started to experience a lot more heartburn daily as well as some slight swelling in my hands and feet. The swelling is not bad at all yet, but just something I'm starting to notice. The doctor said I'm lucky to just now be starting to feel it... Also, the hormonal tears are starting as well this past week. Sometimes I want to just sit and cry over nothing... I took a photography class yesterday and think I almost cried 5 times for no reason... just 'sentimental' these days I guess. It's pretty funny actually unless I'm out in public ;)
such a sweet, sweet post! i love seeing those amazing pictures. i am getting more and more excited for you guys as the days go on! we are in ND now visiting family (as you know i guess from FB), and our internet is sort of different here. anyway, i'm at starbucks now...haha. i have plans to reconnect about sacred parenting...really! asap!