Wow, I can't believe I'm already in my 3rd Trimester! I'm amazed at how fast time flies; but then again, I knew it would, which is why I'm so thankful I've made such a strong attempt to enjoy every day of this pregnancy. Below are some things I'd like to capture about our boys and our journey the past few weeks:
- They continue to grow really fast! I'm amazed at how much I'm growing and how fast, but so thankful my skin is stretching fine up to now. My bellybutton is almost flat these days. I can't imagine how big I'm going to be in the end, but time will tell! At 28 weeks, the doctor estimated Gavin to be about 3lbs 2oz and Wyatt to be about 2lbs 12oz. Both babies are still big for a Singleton; meaning they are even bigger for twins! So we are heading down the road to having big healthy boys. They are getting pretty crowded in there though, so getting a good ultrasound of them is pretty hard to do.
- Both boys are getting so strong. I'm so enjoying their movements. Sometimes they are just so active and strong, the only way I can describe the feeling is 'weird'... It feels like they are going to come out of my skin! Gavin not only kicks, punches and smooshes my bladder, but he has taken to 'kicking my butt' as well. This is the strangest feeling ever... Just the past couple of weeks, I've been able to tell when a shoulder, butt or foot/hand presses out. I LOVE to rub them; it's almost like I'm getting a chance to nurture them and love on them, even though they are still in the womb.
- Gavin had moved head down at my last appt and changed sides so his butt was on top of Wyatt's head! Wyatt is still transverse but is really stretched out since Gavin has moved!
- I have not been sleeping well at all the past couple of months. The past month has been pretty awful. I either just can't sleep, my arms fall asleep, my ribs feel like they are being crushed or I have heartburn so bad. Many of nights (most I would guess) I'm up for a good 2 hours trying to feel better.
- I can tell I'm starting to get more tired again these days. Perhaps it's because the lack of sleep at night. They are building a house behind us though, so no naps for me. I hear banging all day long!
- The swelling has started or shall I say continued since my last post about it. My face is swollen, my arms and legs and my feet. It's not as bad as it will get, but it's for sure present. My joints are actually so sore because of it.
- I'm just overall pretty uncomfortable these days. Because of that, I've taken to nice baths probably once a day (most of which are right before bed or in the middle of the night!).
- The Braxton Hicks contractions have started, but they are not painful. My tummy will just get in a tight ball (making it harder to walk or move), but then go back to normal. I've seen an increase in these the past week, but still not too many. Doctor said that is completely normal and no worries. My cervix still looks great, as well as my blood pressure, blood work, etc...
- The past couple of days I've started to get more 'pains' throughout my tummy. I think most of this is the muscles stretching like crazy. I do think I pulled a side muscle the other day though, which made it even more difficult to get around.
- I'm not as hungry as I used to be, but still eating healthy. I just notice I don't need snacks and I can go a long while w/o eating. Probably b/c there isn't much room any more! My meals are starting to have to be a lot smaller, and when I 'over do it', I'm miserable... I'm learning how to adjust to make sure they get all the nutrition they need.
- We are going to put away Christmas decorations this week and then start getting the house ready for the boys. We want almost everything done by Feb since I have a feeling next month is going to be pretty hard for me to do much of anything. That means we have lots of shopping to do, items to put out and together and clothes to be washed!
- I've been reading lots of books about feedings, sleep routines, and twins in general lately and preparing a 'flexible plan' so we know what we want to do and how to do it. It's so different with twins, so we are just planning early!
- We will likely take a tour of the hospital this week and then start a few classes the following week. Again, we want to make sure there isn't much left to do in Feb!!
I'm sure there are a lot more that I'm forgetting, but I'll post on that next time! For now I have a dr appt this week. I won't get an ultrasound, which will be the first time this whole pregnancy! I'll go back in two weeks and then from then on, it's every week! Can't believe we are at that point already!
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