On January 8th, Jason played in a lacrosse tournament in southeast Houston. Since it was anticipated to rain a whole lot on Sunday, they ended up playing 5 games on Saturday instead! I went to a couple of the games that day, but was so disappointed b/c my newly charged camera battery was dead and I forgot to bring my backup :( Needless to say, this was the only photo I got of him that day. He played great, as did his team! And 5 games... I'm just tired thinking of it!
The 2011 season kicked off this past weekend. It looks like Jason will be attending the first 4-5 games, but then our lil' guys birthday will be around the corner. He might end up playing a few games after they are born; but he'll just play it all by ear after he sees how much (or little) rest we are getting.
This weekend's game was great, and Jason had a great time. The other team didn't have enough players, so a few of the guys from Tony's had to play on the opposite team. (Thought I'd mention that in case you were wondering why it looked like some of the same team members were attacking each other!) Below are some of the pictures I was able to take. There were really a lot of good ones in my opinion, so had to share a lot of them here! (He's still #32)

Here Jason is running towards the goal...
And here he is right after he made a goal! You can actually see the ball in the net!

As a side note; during the game we got to watch a 'team' of little children practice lacrosse! They were ages from 6-10 it looked like. It warmed my heart watching them and thinking of Gavin and Wyatt out there with their Daddy learning the game and having a ball! Can't wait until there are little lax sticks in the house!
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