- Today Wyatt flipped from his tummy to his back during tummy time! He looked shocked, but not scared. It was great fun to watch. I thought he was going to do it again, but never did during that 'tummy time'.
- Both boys scoot around some during tummy time. They put their little legs and knees under their tummy and scoot forward or to the side. They rarely end up in the same place I put them. They also always end up putting their arms under them and pressing up so they are resting on their elbows. I have some cute pics of both boys doing this I'll have to post soon. It's so amazing how strong they are. They've been that way since birth, but this past week they have really shown their strength while holding them.
- Both boys also are trying to sit up more when we are trying to burp them on our laps.
- Wyatt has been wanting to 'stand' lately. He straightens up his legs while in the sitting position or kicks like crazy while resting on your shoulder. It's like he wants to get up and go no matter where he is.
- Gavin loves to observe everything around him. He can stare at things forever and seems so content soaking everything in. It's so enjoyable watching him look around.
- Gavin has really taken an interest in trying to communicate with us. He loves to hear us talk and tries to talk back. Just yesterday he started to smile and coo at the same time when he sees us! It's so cute!!
- Wyatt is also now starting to smile some when you talk to him.
- Both boys are really starting to coo and try to talk to us. I just love how the interaction and awareness is increasing.
- Both boys are very gassy. They are forever tooting. It cracks us up at just how loud they are at this process. Jason said one night it sounded like a scene from Blazing Saddles between the two of them! Guess little boys just start early.
- Just a couple of days ago, the boys started having a bowel movement only once a day. Because of this, it seems that there is a blow out now. Not sure I like the once a day thing...
- I thought having a little boy would mean easier diaper changes since you don't have to worry about stuff getting in certain areas... Well, I was wrong! Little boys diaper changes are very difficult. It seems that stuff gets in so many creases and it's a big challenge to get bowel movements off of their area... I think we need to take stock in wipes and buy 100 more baby wash clothes!
- The boys are now eating about 5ox each meal which is about every 3-4.5 hours. They are still sleeping about 2-3 hours at a time.
Here Wyatt shows us his cute little grin.

- At four weeks the boys weigh 10 lbs already. We started using size 1 diapers this past weekend seeing how the newborns started to fit pretty small (which is why we weighed them in the first place!).
- We also started to transition them into size 0-3 month clothes and are saying good bye to most of the newborn clothes. They are just too long for those now both in the legs and the torso.
- Both boys use the pacifier, but only every now and then. They do not sleep with it which is a life saver and we will try to keep it that way!
- This past week we have begun to lay the boys down to sleep while they are still awake; sleepy, but awake. They are doing amazing at falling asleep on their own. We still make sure to get in lots of snuggle time though which is so important to me. We just don't want them to get used to having to be rocked to fall asleep which will make things pretty difficult later on.
- The boys still love to be swaddled while sleeping. We actually use this as one of our 'sleep time routines'. It's time for us to get the larger swaddlers though because the smalls just don't cut it any more. They boys stretch themselves out of them now!
This week we will start to work on our 'schedule' and continue over the next month. Right now they are on a great routine and I'm thinking it is best to get them on a schedule now that mimics their routine. Tomorrow morning I'm going to get started with setting a 'first time feed'. That's our first step and then we'll progress from there. Not sure what time to use yet... They are already waking up on their own between 8 and 9:30, so I'm thinking I'll try the 8am start to the day and see how that goes.
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