- The boys are starting to sleep longer stretches at night! It's been happening in a weird sort of way though and not all at once, but we will take the progression and where it's heading! We bathe, feed and swaddle each night starting about 7:30ish (the ISH is the important letters here...) and end between 8:30 and 9pm (pretty accurate). Boys were waking up sometime between 11 and 2... the 1 and 2am wakings have been the past few days! They then were waking up around 3am or 4, then stretching this feeding now from about 4am or 5 instead. They then would 'fuss' from the time I put them down after that feeding until about 6 or 7am. 7 or 7:30 is when I"m trying to start our first morning feeding. Well, the past few days, they have 'skipped' this second feeding. They fuss off and on from about 5-7, but never crying or fully awake. Half the time they fuss at night is because of gas anyways. So while I'm still not getting 'uninterrupted' sleep, I'm fully excited about the progress! They wake up happy too which is great!
- Nap times are so confusing to me. The morning nap is 'easy' b/c the boys are always ready for this one. The second nap they often tend to fight... either they will be so sleepy 'too soon' or not sleepy at all... They prefer 'cat naps' in the afternoon, but this I am trying to discourage them from doing. I'll swaddle them and put them in their beds awake but drowsy. They never really scream, but don't really sleep well either most of the time. Anyways, trying to get around the 'cat naps' is a big challenge for me.
- It's been harder to sleep train 'twins'. We feed them at the same time 98% of the time (except for the pesky 45 minute intruder...) which is a big plus. But their nap times don't always match up these days. I've actually been trying to take advantage of this and spend some quality time with the awake baby while the other one sleeps!
That's all I have for the 'sleep stuff' at this point. I hope to report back progress in the next G and W post...
Other topics!!
- Last week the boys started to 'talk more' and seemed to try to laugh, but nothing really happened. Starting this Monday at 7 weeks, Gavin started to giggle off and on and has just really been 'tickled' at certain things. Tuesday Wyatt started doing the same thing! Just this morning Gavin spent longer eating because he was too busy laughing and talking to the wall and the picture on it! Wyatt then spent the entire outside time this morning cooing and smiling! Oh, I love watching them become more alert and interact. I know it sounds 'selfish', but it's so rewarding actually seeing that your boys are happy! As a 'newborn', you always just had to assume they were happy.
- I've enjoyed watching them explore new things each time they are awake! They have been hitting at toys purposefully a lot lately which makes play time more fun for them. Both boys are actually starting to giggle now at times when they hit a toy and make it move!
- Just yesterday, Gavin started to grab hold of the toys on the mobile in the bouncer. He had a great time during that play session.
- Both boys really enjoy playing with their 'Snuggly Bears' which are bear heads on a small blanket. It's easy for them to hold on to and snuggle with, all while being soft and making some noise. It's so cute to see them hold on to it so tight!
- They've just started to put their fingers or Snuggly Bear in their mouth off and on. And they love to move their tounge or watch us move ours. Just another way to see them explore their bodies and the world around them!
- Both boys aren't spitting up as much this past week, but they are starting to drool a little. Good change I think!
- They still spit up during tummy time though :( I've learned that tummy time is more enjoyable for them at times when using the Boppy! This doesn't exercise their arms as much, but allows them to see more and grab for toys better. We've been doing tummy time both with the Boppy and the plain old blanket on the floor.
- They boys love being outside! I'll lay a blanket on the patio in the shade and pull out thier Boppy and pillow seats and we'll enjoy the nice breeze. Most of the time it ends up putting them to sleep (which is part of the whole 'cat nap' problem I mentioned above).
- I've been enjoying going for walks almost every day, but the boys go right to sleep in the stroller. This is a good thing you might think... but this messes up their 'nap time/sleep routines' and they are so very fussy when we get back... I have to realize I'll have fussy babies if I want to get in shape that way... I am praying this changes because I love going for walks and hope to start jogging soon too with them (this might change with the upcoming Houston heat though...).
- The boys are becoming more aware of each other each week. They look at each other and sometimes eat eachother's hands during mat time. Just the past couple of days, Gavin has become really upset when Wyatt is crying. Gavin will be all smiles, but when Wyatt starts crying, it really bothers him... so cute to watch. You just wonder if they 'are saying something' and Gavin understands...
I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but for now, this will do. I'll try to post pictures soon. They really are getting so big. Just this week during bath time, I've realized just how much these sweet boys are changing and growing. They do NOT look like little newborns anymore.
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