Thursday, May 12, 2011

Dear Authors

It's 1in the morning and I am sitting here as my boys drift back to sleep. You see, I have started a blog post for their 8 week update, but never finished it. I was then going to write a 2 month post, which was to include the latest photo shoot. While this latter post is still coming, this one must come first!

You see, I nave a big bone to pick with all the authors out there who have written children development books. All books, magazines, etc. have talked about this 'magic' 6-8 weeks in which babies begin to sleep through the night. Perhaps it's because my boys are so gassy. Perhaps it's because there are two of them, and thus two different clocks trying to be turned into one. Perhaps it's because they are 9 weeks birth and not 'gestational' age. Whatever the 'perhaps' is, this 'magic age' should NOT be mentioned in books of any kind. A sleep deprived parent can easily get their hopes up; and when this 'magic age' doesn't happen... great sadness occurs; which if not kept an eye on, can lead to insanity!

All I am saying is there Should be zero expectation concerning sleep. False hope is not appreciated!


  1. sorry to hear you were up! and you can't believe all of those authors, sorry!!

  2. Shanna you are not alone. Aiden wasn't sleeping through the night at 2 even 3 months. This is probably not what you want to hear, but I went through intense sleep deprivation as Aiden was up to feed almost every hour. Don't worry about those authors they get a lot of things wrong. There's a big range of when they do things. What one might do the other won't. I thought AIden would be walking at a year, JD and I both did, but my cautious little boy waited until 14 months and then he was off and running. He eventually slept at 5-6 hours stretches, then 8-9. Just as I thought we were in a groove he would change. I hope mama is getting some sleep now.
