This is my favorite pic I took out at the farm. It's actually upside down right now, but it really plays with your mind when you have it this way! I just love my new camera and feel I'm learning more every month (or season!).
On Wednesday night, we had a huge wind storm here in Houston. We ended up having to drive in it on Thursday as we headed out to the farm (Christmas Eve). We loaded down the truck with our bunny, the two dogs and then two puppies (plus suitcases and Christmas presents, etc). We met a family picking up one of the pups in Taylor and about blew away as we got out of the truck! Then we headed out to his grandma's. We had been at the house for a couple of hours and then we heard loud crashes outside. Outside the window all I could see was gray swirling and trees falling... I thought a tornado was heading our way and was about to hit the living room with us in it. Luckily it was not a tornado, but rather one of the 61 year old pecan trees crashing down towards the house. We were so very blessed... it looked as though God caught the very heavy branches and placed them ever so perfectly against the house w/o damaging anything. Even the electricity to the house was still working! What a blessing.
The wind storm lasted the rest of the night and it was getting dark, so we stayed in side for safety. The next morning Jason and I woke up, cooked his mom and grandma breakfast and then headed outside to figure out a way to get the branches off the house without causing damage. Physics was fun that morning! We finally got everything off the house w/o causing any damage. Below is what it looked like and also of the 'bonfire' we had from burning all the twigs.
On Saturday Jason, his uncle and cousin helped take down the rest of the tree. It was such a challenge not to hit the house, hit the wires or kill each other. They did a great job and created many laughs throughout the day. It was an eventful Christmas to say the least!
Off and on throughout our time out there, I got to play with my camera and take some pics of the farm, pastures and in the woods. Here are some of my shots I took as well as those from my previous post.
Jason's mom bought me an awesome telephoto lens for my camera. I just love it. This picture was taken from a pretty good distance and look how crisp it looks! (It looks better w/o the size reduction though...) I know it's a pile of trash, but it's the best looking picture of a trash pile around I think!
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