As I mentioned, here is a little post about our Thanksgiving weekend here at home. Since it was just the two of us, we made a simple but tasty dinner! We had turkey (19 lbs believe it or not in which we ate for Thanksgiving and left overs the next day but then froze the rest. I sense some yummy stew in our future!), corn casserole, sweet potatoes, rolls and cranberry salad. Then we had some key lime pie for dessert. It was perfect for the two of us.
We were up pretty late so we slept in a little Friday (until 7!). I went shopping for a little while at Kohl's and got some pretty good deals. Later that night we enjoyed a fire out on our new patio; we roasted marshmallows and had some great apple cider. The dogs enjoyed being out there with us too. Man, I just love 'burnt marshmallows'!! Nothing better than letting it catch on fire, blowing it out and enjoying the great carbon flavor!
Jason went hunting on Saturday and I worked on the house. Then on Sunday we relaxed and started to put up Christmas. The house is looking good and just about done!
So while the Thanksgiving was 'different', it was wonderful and I am so thankful for the relaxed pace and the wonderful time I got to spend with my husband.
i love your beautiful place setting for thanksgiving!! we love our fire pit too!!