Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The Reality of Christmas

Well, as I've posted before, these past couple of months have been, well, different. I have loved them, but different is the best way to describe them at this time! And so I have a confession to make: I just sent my Christmas cards out today... ugh, yes, just today. You see, I made them and so this was all done in stages around a very eventful and different month... first I designed them, then had to get them printed at Kinko's. Then I had to order envelopes. Then the envelopes were too dark so I had to run and find pins that would show up on them! Then Jason helped me cut them as I addressed them all. Then I realized my labels weren't working well, so I had to buy different types of labels and try to get my printer to work (after months of just just sitting there 'broken'). Ah... then they were done! So I mailed them today. I am so sorry for the delay in your cards, but they will be on their way shortly :) I'm determined not to stress about the silly things and enjoy Christmas and all it entails!

We had my office Christmas party at our house on Friday and we just had a wonderful time! Both Jason and I so enjoyed having everyone over! There was much yummy Cajun food and laughter going on! Things didn't 'go as planned' for that either, but like I said, I'm determined not to stress about the silly things and enjoy Christmas and all it entails!

Which finally brings me to what I wanted to write about! Since November, I decided I wanted to focus on the Reality of Christmas. Not just a 'story', but to let the depth of what God did sink in! I've mentioned this a little in previous posts this past month. I try to imagine what Mary was going through as she was 8 months pregnant and traveling on a donkey. I try to imagine Christ in the womb, all the intricacies of child development. I try to imagine His first words, His first tooth, His first steps, etc, etc, etc. As I mentioned in my previous post, I imagine God stepping off His throne and coming into the world He created; arriving in the most humble of ways. God is amazing and this Christmas I am thankful for the awesome awareness of what God has done and who He is!

May you all be filled with His peace and joy in this upcoming year!!

1 comment:

  1. We got card! This is Fey by the way, long lost Cuz from VA. I just wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope to hear from you all soon. LOTS of Love!

    Fey French
