Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Extra 13 Months Tid-bits

This past month has been so full of different activities. I've captured many of these (and will soon) in other posts such as their birthday, outdoor activities, Luke at 21 weeks and Easter celebrations, along with a couple of posts about my thoughts on parenting. There are a few additional things I want to make sure I remember about Gavin and Wyatt at this age.

  • They really have grown up so much this past month. I look at them throughout the day and am amazed at the little boys I see in front of me; no longer babies and at times seeming so much more than just toddlers. The way they play with toys sometimes seems that they are starting to develop an imagination. It's as if they are connecting things they see throughout their day and incorporating into play.
  • Gavin has started running in place when he's excited the past couple of weeks. He giggles the whole time he does it. I believe this started after they learned to stomp their feet for fun and while we practiced jumping (which they don't do yet).
  • Wyatt's new thing is to bend in half with his legs straight and head on the ground, and then look through his legs. He does this all the time and cracks up the whole time. He loves it when I jump behind him and say hi upside down or tickle his tummy while he's in that position. Just this week I caught him doing this on the windowsill. He was reminded this is a 'no-no and dangerous', but I thought it was pretty funny.
  • The boys love walking around backwards these days and are getting pretty fast at it too.
  • They also are excellent at walking around on so many different types of surfaces, including our river walk we have in our backyard. I'd never dream of 13 month olds running on these rocks and having such balance.
  • Wyatt is trying really hard to learn to take off his shirts and put them on. He actually is really close to taking them off once he figures out the arms a little better.
  • Both boys love to put on their shoes and any others around. Over Easter, they kept putting on great-grandma's shoes and walking around the living room giggling! Gavin would have one, and Wyatt the other. They do this with mama's and daddy's shoes too!
  • The boys are down to 1 nap a day. They actually got on this schedule shortly after I last posted about their sleep patterns. They wake up typically some time between 6 and 7 and then go down for a nap about 11 or 12. We eat a small snack before nap time and then eat our lunch when they wake up. Bed time is still 7:30.
  • The boys have been teething this whole month. Poor guys. Wyatt has all four molars in, as well as an eye tooth that just popped through. It looks like 1-2 other eye teeth are just about out too. So that's 13 already out and more on the way soon. Gavin has his top two molars and one of his bottom eye teeth out. It looks like two more of his eye teeth are just about to come out too. So that's 11 for Gavin with two more on the way soon.
  • The boys are still eating great and very healthy. We just tried peanut butter early last week which they enjoy and had no problems with. We are so thankful, as I was so worried. They have also been enjoying the little 'typical children's snacks' at times; Goldfish, cheez-its, animal crackers and graham crackers with peanut butter. Although they don't eat it a lot, it's pretty fun watching their excitement with these snacks.
  • The boys still don't like or watch TV, except for Baby Einstein at times. Just this past week though, they tried BOZ and love it. They seem to like this just as much as BE, especially Gavin.
  • The other week I took them to Bouncin' Bears. It's a giant room filled with lots of different and very elaborate jumping castles. They have some for ages 0-3 only which was nice. The boys LOVED it! My mouth was in awe as I saw them running around like they were two 3 year olds! After an hour and 15 minutes, mama was tired and said it was time to go home though. They tend to run in opposite directions a lot these days!

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