Outside we are learning all about our colors and shapes, letters, sounds and numbers. We learn all about nature and textures. We are learning about hot and cold, wet and dry. The boys are also taking giant leaps in their physical abilities.
Whether it's our swing set or the giant jungle gyms at the park, the boys are all about climbing, exploring, sliding and swinging. Their balance in the grass, sand, gravel, mulch, steps, etc is getting fabulous. They are learning how to balance well on one leg as well.
The boys are all into tress, leaves, grass, dirt and rocks. They also enjoy watching the birds in the morning.
The boys favorite thing... WATER! Oh the fun they have in with their water table, their pool, their 'water park' and of course the water hose!
So while we are still have fun learning times inside, we just spend most of it outside these days. This way we can recognize all these neat things in the beautiful creation God made!
Here is a video clip of some 'after rain puddle fun'!
Most of our 'designated learning times' indoors these days is centered around puzzles and reading. The boys just love puzzles and are getting really good at them. I'd say they put them in the correct spot 50-60% of the time and at least in the right areas 80% of the time. Their absolute favorite puzzle right now is their shapes/color puzzle their Aunt Selina got them! Their other two favorite ones are animals. And of course their latch board fits in the top of this list too.
This past month outdoors has been such a great gift for us all. I'm so thankful we are given the opportunity and ability to enjoy what God's amazing world!
the water looks like so much fun!! they are experiencing all kinds of things. great idea to go outdoors!!