Gavin and Wyatt's birthday feel on a Wednesday this year, but we celebrated it from Monday-Saturday. Here's a little sneak-peak at all the festivities for our sweet blessings!
On Monday night, Grandma Nadine took us out to Texas Road House to celebrate all three birthday boys. The boys just love 'Road House' and all the dancing they get to do there. They got to ride the 'birthday saddle' as the waitress announced to the restaurant that triplets were celebrating their birthday; two were turning 1 and the other was turning 28! That night, they got some 'birthday cheesecake' for dessert.

Due to rain possibilities on their actual birthday, Jason and I decided to take them to the Rodeo on Tuesday. We all had a blast. Here's some before rodeo pics.

The four (well, 5, but Luke is hiding still) of us watching the pig races. I think the pigs were too fast for the boys. Right as they realized what was going on, the first pig found the Oreo! They did have fun, and loved watching the screaming crowd.

Next we watched the Mutton Bustin. That was so funny to watch. Before it started, they let some of the sheep walk around the ring. Wyatt's just casually looking around soaking everything in, when a sheep walks by... You should have seen his face! He did a double take, mouth dropped open and eyes got real big... Looked like he saw an alien!
After that we went to the petting zoo. The boys were fascinated watching all the animals. I'd point to an animal and remind them the sounds they make. It was fun for them to see the animals we learn about at home. They weren't too interested in touching them a lot, but Gavin did find the pig's wiry hair funny.

While at the rodeo, Gavin and Wyatt tried a little taste of 'fried Oreos' for their 'Birthday Cake' of the day. Mama and Daddy also tried a fried Snickers which was pretty good too.
Back home after the rodeo showing off their boots. They couldn't walk in their boots though because the heel kept throwing their bodies forward.

Wednesday evening the four of us had a spaghetti dinner, sang 'Happy Birthday' to the boys and let them try their first Birthday Cake (Mama blew out their candles for them). Wyatt likes chocolate cake (well, all sweets for that matter), but Gavin does not. So for their cake, I made Wyatt Chocolate and Gavin got blueberry. Not much of the cake was eaten that night, but they got to practice a little.
The next night my mom, grandma, sister and brother arrived. That night after dinner, we let the boys finish playing (I mean eating) their cake. They dug in a little more this time, especially Wyatt who got it everywhere!

I am so happy with this banner and how it turned out! Just what I had wanted, and we get to use it every year!

This is the banner I made that shows the boys each month from newborn to 11 months. It was harder to do with 2 children, but it turned out well.

I had made a photo collage under the glass of our dinning table for the party. We liked it so much, we decided to leave it that way and just change pictures out as time goes (especially once Luke arrives!).

Just a few of the party desserts we made. I'm thankful for all the help my mom and sister did before and after the party!

The lady that made our wedding cakes, also made the 'big' birthday cakes for the party. I am thankful that Jason's mom picked it up on the way to the party! One of Jason's groom's cake was a camo theme, and she made their cake similar. She did a great job and they are so yummy; pineapple and coconut flavored!

We had fajitas catered in as the main meal, along with other sides guacamole, queso, artichoke dip, salsa and french onion dip, and a fruit tray.
Grandma Nadine asked the boys where their heads were at during cake eating time... they didn't disappoint! Icing all in the hair!

A few family pictures:
Some of 'Daddy's side'

Instead of presents for the boys, we had a charity donation instead. We are so thankful with the donations gathered. In all:
- 376 Stage 2 Diapers
- 237 Stage 3 Diapers
- 31 Stage 4 Diapers
- 23 Stage 6 Diapers
- '19' Packs of Wipes which comes out to 1588 total wipes
- 7 Diaper Creams
- And lots of books, toys and puzzles!
Their birthday week was such a beautiful celebration with friends and family. We are so thankful for all the love we have from those around us. We are touched by all the friends and family who showed up to the party on Saturday; we had just about 50 people at the house. Due to rain, we were all inside, but we were nice and cozy! Happy Birthday Sweet boys. You are greatly loved by all those around you and most importantly, by our God and Savior!
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