Thursday, April 28, 2011

Smiles, Giggles, Coos - and - Perhaps some sleep?

I haven't uploaded the pictures from the past couple of weeks, but I wanted to write down my thoughts before time got away from me and while I had a few minutes. As I mentioned in the previous post, we have experienced bouts of fussiness the past few weeks and sleep patterns have strayed. Our 'routine' that was so good the first four weeks had vanished and we could forget a schedule. Right when the 'growth spurt' started to ease up (not sure it really has 100%), then the '45 minute intruder' invaded the French Household this past week. I've read 'Baby Wise' and 'Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins' about a million times already, searching for answers. All I find are great theories but no perfect directions. Boo... I want instructions! Well, I know this is impossible because every child and every household is different. But it would still be nice to have 'a try this and try that' book... Anyways, I keep searching for answers and ideas, and each time I read the books I feel discouraged and yet hopeful! Discouraged because I still have zero idea of what I'm doing concerning a 'sleep routine' and hopeful because I do get ideas or realize that what we are experiencing is normal. With all that said, let me explain briefly (in bullet points b/c that works best for me these days!) what is going on now!

  • The boys are starting to sleep longer stretches at night! It's been happening in a weird sort of way though and not all at once, but we will take the progression and where it's heading! We bathe, feed and swaddle each night starting about 7:30ish (the ISH is the important letters here...) and end between 8:30 and 9pm (pretty accurate). Boys were waking up sometime between 11 and 2... the 1 and 2am wakings have been the past few days! They then were waking up around 3am or 4, then stretching this feeding now from about 4am or 5 instead. They then would 'fuss' from the time I put them down after that feeding until about 6 or 7am. 7 or 7:30 is when I"m trying to start our first morning feeding. Well, the past few days, they have 'skipped' this second feeding. They fuss off and on from about 5-7, but never crying or fully awake. Half the time they fuss at night is because of gas anyways. So while I'm still not getting 'uninterrupted' sleep, I'm fully excited about the progress! They wake up happy too which is great!

  • Nap times are so confusing to me. The morning nap is 'easy' b/c the boys are always ready for this one. The second nap they often tend to fight... either they will be so sleepy 'too soon' or not sleepy at all... They prefer 'cat naps' in the afternoon, but this I am trying to discourage them from doing. I'll swaddle them and put them in their beds awake but drowsy. They never really scream, but don't really sleep well either most of the time. Anyways, trying to get around the 'cat naps' is a big challenge for me.

  • It's been harder to sleep train 'twins'. We feed them at the same time 98% of the time (except for the pesky 45 minute intruder...) which is a big plus. But their nap times don't always match up these days. I've actually been trying to take advantage of this and spend some quality time with the awake baby while the other one sleeps!

That's all I have for the 'sleep stuff' at this point. I hope to report back progress in the next G and W post...

Other topics!!

  • Last week the boys started to 'talk more' and seemed to try to laugh, but nothing really happened. Starting this Monday at 7 weeks, Gavin started to giggle off and on and has just really been 'tickled' at certain things. Tuesday Wyatt started doing the same thing! Just this morning Gavin spent longer eating because he was too busy laughing and talking to the wall and the picture on it! Wyatt then spent the entire outside time this morning cooing and smiling! Oh, I love watching them become more alert and interact. I know it sounds 'selfish', but it's so rewarding actually seeing that your boys are happy! As a 'newborn', you always just had to assume they were happy.

  • I've enjoyed watching them explore new things each time they are awake! They have been hitting at toys purposefully a lot lately which makes play time more fun for them. Both boys are actually starting to giggle now at times when they hit a toy and make it move!

  • Just yesterday, Gavin started to grab hold of the toys on the mobile in the bouncer. He had a great time during that play session.

  • Both boys really enjoy playing with their 'Snuggly Bears' which are bear heads on a small blanket. It's easy for them to hold on to and snuggle with, all while being soft and making some noise. It's so cute to see them hold on to it so tight!

  • They've just started to put their fingers or Snuggly Bear in their mouth off and on. And they love to move their tounge or watch us move ours. Just another way to see them explore their bodies and the world around them!

  • Both boys aren't spitting up as much this past week, but they are starting to drool a little. Good change I think!

  • They still spit up during tummy time though :( I've learned that tummy time is more enjoyable for them at times when using the Boppy! This doesn't exercise their arms as much, but allows them to see more and grab for toys better. We've been doing tummy time both with the Boppy and the plain old blanket on the floor.

  • They boys love being outside! I'll lay a blanket on the patio in the shade and pull out thier Boppy and pillow seats and we'll enjoy the nice breeze. Most of the time it ends up putting them to sleep (which is part of the whole 'cat nap' problem I mentioned above).

  • I've been enjoying going for walks almost every day, but the boys go right to sleep in the stroller. This is a good thing you might think... but this messes up their 'nap time/sleep routines' and they are so very fussy when we get back... I have to realize I'll have fussy babies if I want to get in shape that way... I am praying this changes because I love going for walks and hope to start jogging soon too with them (this might change with the upcoming Houston heat though...).

  • The boys are becoming more aware of each other each week. They look at each other and sometimes eat eachother's hands during mat time. Just the past couple of days, Gavin has become really upset when Wyatt is crying. Gavin will be all smiles, but when Wyatt starts crying, it really bothers him... so cute to watch. You just wonder if they 'are saying something' and Gavin understands...

I'm sure I'm forgetting things, but for now, this will do. I'll try to post pictures soon. They really are getting so big. Just this week during bath time, I've realized just how much these sweet boys are changing and growing. They do NOT look like little newborns anymore.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

1 Month Photo Shoot - And 6 Weeks Update

6 Weeks Update

  • I haven’t been as good at recording all the moments and thoughts I’ve wanted to the past couple of weeks; mainly because the past couple of weeks have been a little different and ‘busier’ than before. They were doing great on their schedule during week 4; first morning feeding b/w 7 and 8am, then naps that happen to fall close b/w 9 and 1pm. We started bath time about 7:30ish and then fed and got ready for bed. But at 5 weeks, both boys started acting fussier than normal throughout the day and sleep became less and less; both at night and during the day. They were eating every 3 hours or less and only 2-3oz at a time it seemed. Perhaps this was the start of the ‘6 week growth spurt’… I am not sure. Well, this lasted for a little over a week. Now, at 6 weeks, we are going through some of the same things and some new… The night they turned 6 weeks, both boys went 5 hours between feedings at their first night feeding… that’s about 4 hours of sleep! Woohoo!!! But sleep the next day was way off. Their naps were strange and they were up almost all afternoon/evening… I know… babies should sleep, but ours don’t like to these days. Anywho, it happened again last night, but this time it was 6 hours between feedings; 5 hours of sleep. That’s right! How exciting! They days are still off, but I can tell something is changing with their cycle. I’m thinking there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Time will tell.

    Here are some other tidbits to share about our precious blessings:
    • They are becoming more ‘aware’ of their surroundings. When noises occur, they often turn to look for it.
    • They are starting to smile more and more AT us and things, not just random smiles. They have the cutest smiles in the world. One smile from them just melts your heart!
    • They are starting to recognize when they hit a toy and cause it to move. This has made them pretty happy the past few days. It’s so cute to watch! Gavin has really taking a liking to this right now, but Wyatt has enjoyed quite a bit too. Neither of the boys are truly understanding how to grip a toy yet (to be expected). I have been letting them play with ‘burp cloths’ though which they seem to really enjoy. It’s easy for them to hold and ‘play with’.
    • We spend about half the day upstairs in the game room. They love looking around in their newly expanded world. Lots to see up here!
    • Naps are taken in their own room these days. They are sharing Gavin’s crib for now. This has worked very well. We love our video/audio monitor to use when we are downstairs. They are still in the pack’n’play in our room at night. This is easier on me since they still are getting up multiple times a night and their room is upstairs while ours is downstairs.
    • Both boys have been fussier as mentioned above, but overall, you can see they have beautiful happy personalities already developing.
    • They weight between 11.5 and 12 lbs already! Wow, we are retiring many clothes already and pulling out what was once too big only a couple of weeks ago.
    • They’ve started to spit up more, but nothing to worry about. Just something we’ve had to ‘watch out for’.
    • They’re talking more and more with each week that passes. They have the sweetest little voices!
    • Gavin’s eyes are starting to change color; either to green or brown. Wyatt’s are bright blue at this time.
    • Both boys lost a lot of hair on top the past couple of weeks. It is now starting to grow back. The color has stayed the same for both so far. We still think Gavin might have ‘wavy’ hair, but not sure yet.
    • Bath time is a joy… UNTIL… it’s time to take them out, dry them, wash their bottom, lotion and dress them! Some nights are enjoyable as we ‘wind down’, and then others are full of sounds ;)
    • The boys still enjoy their ‘tummy time’, but it’s harder these days since they spit up more. Seems like 90% of the time they lay on their tummy they spit up.
    • Both boys have also started to ‘drool’ a little. They also like to explore moving their tongue.
    • We’ve attended church the past couple of weeks and the boys have been GREAT! It feels so good to finally be back with our church family and see our boys there with us!

    I know I’m forgetting a lot, but I’ll have to catch up on another post. Before I end though, I do want to write about some of my thoughts on motherhood. I have truly enjoyed our wonderful blessings God has entrusted us with. Being a mother is so much better than I could ever imagine (hard to believe)! There is no other job out there that is more perfect for me right now. I am so thankful to have a husband who wants me to and supports my desire to stay home with the boys. I have so enjoyed being the one to take care of, teach and love on them during the day. I always knew I’d be good with babies because I’ve had lots of experience. But being a mother is so much more than that. As a mother, you are responsible for not only their physical well being, but their mental and spiritual growth as well. I do not take any of these lightly (to fault I’ll explain later). Each day we spend doing a variety of activity to stimulate them physically, mentally and most important spiritually. We read, we play with toys, play on play mats, tummy time, listening to music, talking, snuggling, reading Scripture, singing songs, enjoying the outdoors, going for walks, bouncer time, etc…

    As I mentioned above, I do not take my role as a mother lightly. I think I’ve put too much pressure on myself lately actually. I’ve constantly been worried if I’m stimulating our boys enough and yet not too much. Do they feel loved enough? With two, your time is split. All parents feel this at some point if they have more than one, I just feel it right off the bat. I pray they do and know in my heart they do. But I had still been stressing about it. Also, are they ‘entertained’ enough? I’d hate for them to be bored, but let’s face it… they are 6 weeks and can’t do much. I think they are stimulated very well and I have to realize this. God has spoken to me this past week to ‘relax’ and enjoy this time instead of stressing that I’m doing everything perfect. God has reminded me that I am to do my best and He will take care of the rest. He loves them more than I can imagine, and thus will not let them lack in anything. Just as He provides for me, He provides for Gavin and Wyatt too!

    The past couple of weeks have been a very big struggle for me in the area of breastfeeding. This as been such a huge importance and desire of mine and yet such a struggle with twins. I always planned to go into pregnancy and parenthood (as with most things in life) without expectations, but I didn’t realize that I had set one up already with breastfeeding. I read and prepared as much as I could and was confident and determined to breastfeed my boys. Naturally it’s harder with two, but then take into account my health issues the first two weeks, the C-section and then, did I mention having two, and two big boys at that. Gavin and Wyatt demanded 3-4oz each feeding when most babies were taking 1-2oz. It quickly increased from there. So, while I was producing more milk then most moms at that stage, there was no way I could make enough milk to feed both of them. So we continue to supplement with formula. I learned that pumping was much easier and frankly the only way I could provide breastmilk with my twins. I then faced the even harder fact that I just wasn’t finding the time to pump. I tried so hard, but there were days when I wouldn’t be able to pump for 6-8 hours! That’s not good when trying to keep up your supply. But there was nothing I could do unless I let both boys scream while I pumped for 30 minutes; which I won’t or can’t do. This struggle created a lot of emotions for me. I knew God was trying to tell me something, but what could it be. Surely He wanted me to breastfeed because, ‘breast is best’, right? After MUCH struggle with God on this topic, I conceded and surrendered my desire for His will. At this point, I realize that I will not be able to breastfeed my boys much longer. I’m down to pumping about 3-4 times a day and will see how long my supply is maintained. I’ll do everything I can until it dries up, but I realize that this is God’s will for some reason. I have to remind myself to stop assuming how God will be most glorified. As I mentioned above, I am to do the best I can and God will take care of the rest. Just as He provides for me, He provides for Gavin and Wyatt too. He will not let them lack. This I am confident of and must trust Him.

    Because of the struggle with breastfeeding and their ‘crazy lack of routine’ lately without any answers, some days have been harder than others. But even on the hardest of days, I won’t trade this time with them for anything. I feel so blessed to be able to be their mother. While trying to conceive was different than we envisioned, while a mandatory C-section was not what I desired and while I have not been able to breastfeed to the fullest as I planned on, I can not help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude and joy at what I do have and what I have been able to experience. I am always reminded that God did allow us to have children. And not only have children, but for me to carry them and experience the joys of pregnancy. Life doesn’t always go as you intend, but with God, it always turns out better!

    Other tidbits from this mama’s point of view:
    • At my 6 weeks check-up, I was given the okay to proceed with any activity… zero limitations. Working out… here we come!
    • I have enjoyed and am so thankful for caffeine these days!
    • I never thought I’d be so excited at a 3 hour stretch of sleep, but I am!
    • I LOVE taking care of my boys! They are so great!!
    • Nothing really grosses me out… all the poopy diapers, spit up, and things you must clean…
    • My ‘mama brain’ has taken over already. I scared myself the other day when in my own thoughts, I used the word ‘tooty’… Yes, that is right. I was thinking about the boys having so much gas, and I used the word ‘totty’ for ‘gas’. I think my IQ lowered a bunch that day… sigh…
    • I’ve never sang and talked about so much random topics in my life; but the boys love just to hear my voice!
    • I have found that keeping the house straightened at this stage is much easier than I thought! I know this will all change though when the boys start moving and playing with toys! I’m enjoying it while I can.
    • I love going for walks with the boys. It’s the best for of exercise for me right now and we have a great stroller that allows me to take the boys very easily. Plus it’s beautiful weather right now.

  • I find it hard to do much of anything else besides take care of the boys and the house. I'm so thankful for the meals my mom made us while she was here and put in the freezer, as well as all the meals friends and family have provided!

  • I'm WAY behind on thank you cards which is driving me nuts :( Please know they are all coming.

  • I'm so thankful for all the love and support we've received from our friends and family over the past couple of months.

  • I've honestly forgotten what it was like to feel pregnant. Remember how uncomfortable and huge I was in the end, I think that is a good thing! I still can't believe that my sweet boys were once inside my tummy... what an amazing gift God gives us!

    Again, I know I’m forgetting a lot of things I wanted to post about, but I’ll have to do that at a later time. Tata For Now!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Year Ago Today...

A year ago today our sweet babies were conceived. It was a year ago today that I went in for my ‘egg retrieval’ that began our journey into parenthood. (See our posts from last year...) Our journey has never been what we ‘envisioned’ many years ago; I can honestly say it’s been much better though. True it’s been much harder than I could imagine and many roads filled with trials have been traveled, but the growth and gifts we’ve been given along the way far outweigh everything else. The past week or so, I’ve been looking back through my writings as I traveled through our journey of infertility God entrusted us with. My heart is warmed as I read my pain knowing God was smiling down on us as He held our sweet baby boys Gavin and Wyatt. ‘All is well my child’ I can imagine God saying to me back then as I cried for our children. And ‘all is well’ indeed. I thank God for being with us each step of the way. I thank God for shining enough light on our path to take the next step. I thank God for the growth He wanted us to experience before our boys were born. The list goes on and on as I reflect. To top off the list, I sit here this morning as my sweet boys take their first morning nap and say thank You God for the precious little ones you have entrusted to us. I pray with all my heart we can be great parents to them. I pray we set good examples for them to follow. I pray we help them know the Lord as their personal Savior and friend. I pray we encourage them to grow into the men God created them to be; to travel the paths He has prepared for them. I pray they know just how much we love and cherish them. I pray they see just how much their mom and dad love each other and love the Lord. I pray for their health and safety; for their happiness and their future. I pray for the lives they will touch. Oh the things I pray… Thank you Lord for all the wonderful journeys and gifts you have entrusted us with. May my eyes stay continually on You.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Four Week Update

I can't believe our boys will be four weeks in 2 days; time really is flying by. They are changing and maturing so quickly. We have seen a lot of changes this past week actually.

  • Today Wyatt flipped from his tummy to his back during tummy time! He looked shocked, but not scared. It was great fun to watch. I thought he was going to do it again, but never did during that 'tummy time'.

  • Both boys scoot around some during tummy time. They put their little legs and knees under their tummy and scoot forward or to the side. They rarely end up in the same place I put them. They also always end up putting their arms under them and pressing up so they are resting on their elbows. I have some cute pics of both boys doing this I'll have to post soon. It's so amazing how strong they are. They've been that way since birth, but this past week they have really shown their strength while holding them.

  • Both boys also are trying to sit up more when we are trying to burp them on our laps.

  • Wyatt has been wanting to 'stand' lately. He straightens up his legs while in the sitting position or kicks like crazy while resting on your shoulder. It's like he wants to get up and go no matter where he is.

  • Gavin loves to observe everything around him. He can stare at things forever and seems so content soaking everything in. It's so enjoyable watching him look around.

  • Gavin has really taken an interest in trying to communicate with us. He loves to hear us talk and tries to talk back. Just yesterday he started to smile and coo at the same time when he sees us! It's so cute!!

  • Wyatt is also now starting to smile some when you talk to him.

  • Both boys are really starting to coo and try to talk to us. I just love how the interaction and awareness is increasing.

  • Both boys are very gassy. They are forever tooting. It cracks us up at just how loud they are at this process. Jason said one night it sounded like a scene from Blazing Saddles between the two of them! Guess little boys just start early.

  • Just a couple of days ago, the boys started having a bowel movement only once a day. Because of this, it seems that there is a blow out now. Not sure I like the once a day thing...

  • I thought having a little boy would mean easier diaper changes since you don't have to worry about stuff getting in certain areas... Well, I was wrong! Little boys diaper changes are very difficult. It seems that stuff gets in so many creases and it's a big challenge to get bowel movements off of their area... I think we need to take stock in wipes and buy 100 more baby wash clothes!

  • The boys are now eating about 5ox each meal which is about every 3-4.5 hours. They are still sleeping about 2-3 hours at a time.

Here Wyatt shows us his cute little grin.

And Gavin just looks too precious here sleeping. My dad was able to come down and visit this past week! It was great getting to visit with him and see him with our boys. He had a great time snuggling and feeding his two newest grandsons as you can see below! Grandpa and Wyatt Grandpa and Gavin This past week we also switched the boys back to the larger pack'n'play bassinet vs the smaller one we got for the first few weeks. They started waking each other up in the other one so we knew it was time. It sure made for a cute picture below though... my precious boys snuggling. It was pretty funny watching them start to suck on the others head, chin or hands though at times! As I mentioned before, our boys get tummy time a couple of times a day and are doing really well. They seem to enjoy it most of the time as well. Not only does it help them strengthen their muscles, but it gives them time to see each other and 'stay close'. Now for a precious picture of Wyatt sleeping... Both boys seem to be enjoying bath time. They love it when the water is poured over them; just not a big fan of the 'drying off' and lotion phase. But they are great boys though and smell so good afterwards! The dogs are great with the boys. We never leave them alone with them, but when we are around, they want to sniff the boys, but that is basically it. They've had to spend a little more time outside than they are used to and can't always be on the couch these days, but other than that, life isn't too different for them. They'll soon love their new buddies as the boys begin to grow and interact with them!

  • At four weeks the boys weigh 10 lbs already. We started using size 1 diapers this past weekend seeing how the newborns started to fit pretty small (which is why we weighed them in the first place!).

  • We also started to transition them into size 0-3 month clothes and are saying good bye to most of the newborn clothes. They are just too long for those now both in the legs and the torso.

  • Both boys use the pacifier, but only every now and then. They do not sleep with it which is a life saver and we will try to keep it that way!

  • This past week we have begun to lay the boys down to sleep while they are still awake; sleepy, but awake. They are doing amazing at falling asleep on their own. We still make sure to get in lots of snuggle time though which is so important to me. We just don't want them to get used to having to be rocked to fall asleep which will make things pretty difficult later on.

  • The boys still love to be swaddled while sleeping. We actually use this as one of our 'sleep time routines'. It's time for us to get the larger swaddlers though because the smalls just don't cut it any more. They boys stretch themselves out of them now!

This week we will start to work on our 'schedule' and continue over the next month. Right now they are on a great routine and I'm thinking it is best to get them on a schedule now that mimics their routine. Tomorrow morning I'm going to get started with setting a 'first time feed'. That's our first step and then we'll progress from there. Not sure what time to use yet... They are already waking up on their own between 8 and 9:30, so I'm thinking I'll try the 8am start to the day and see how that goes.