Saturday, May 25, 2013

Brothers and Family Shots Past Few Months

We've been talking A LOT about God's love, how God is love and how we practice love for others.  These boys sure do love each other!!  Here are some fun shots over the past few months.

LOVE my three sons!!!

Gavin and Wyatt's 2nd Birthday Celebrations

We started off their special day going to Ihop wearing their special 'hats' Mama made them saying they are two!

Then some fun outside!

We did a fun birthday craft where they colored cutouts that said they were 'Fearfully and Wonderfully made'!

Birthday dinner and cake once Daddy came home from work!

The next day we had a birthday rodeo fun day with Daddy!

The following day we had a small birthday party with some friends at our house.

Gavin and Wyatt are great helps when it comes to baking... especially when it comes to licking the beaters!

A week later, we had a family birthday celebration for them!

Here they are putting together their new table and chairs with Daddy.  They were so happy they got to help using their own tools!