Thursday, September 5, 2013

Building Our New Home - Part 2 through September 5th

Here are some pictures of our experience of building our second home!  So thankful for this opportunity and blessing and pray God is glorified and all who enter our home feel His presence and love.

The boys got to watch the walls of their bedrooms being built and lifted into place!

After our pre-sheetrock walk-through, we were able to sign the frame of our home with lots of Scripture! My mom was in town and not only got to come with us, but watched the boys for four hours before hand so I could write everywhere!  I didn't get to write all of the 29 pages I had prepared, but we  wrote most of it!  What a HUGE blessing and gift!!!!!!  The boys had so much fun.  They still ask if they can write on the walls, but I have to explain, that we won't be able to do that ever again!!  They seem satisfied; just praying they truly are!

The boys are helping me write the story of Mary and Martha here; one of great importance to remember, especially with the gift and job of taking care of 3 little blessings each day.  

The boys are so excited about their new house and have LOVED the construction process.  Their favorite thing these days are constructing trucks by far.  Below they were so excited to see 'grass growing' in their backyard!  I explained that we'd have really nice grass when we moved in, but they seemed just fine with the dirt!

The love to run around yelling, 'echo, echo, echo'!

Missing a set of shutters and paint on them, but it's almost done on the outside!

Luke's first time sitting/crawling in his new home!  Up until today, he had to be held in Mama's arms or in the stroller due to the nails, dirt, etc.  He enjoyed it!

Boys love the balcony...!

They LOVE their backyard!

The boys' favorite places to go while we have showings of our current home are iHop and Chick-fil-A!    (Or the park...)

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