Thursday, January 20, 2011

31 Weeks Update

A few notes from the past couple of weeks (sorry for the very random order, that's kind of how my brain works these days...):

  • Last week at my 30 week checkup, the dr estimated Gavin to weigh about 3lbs 12oz and Wyatt to be about 3lbs 9oz. Can't believe how fast they are growing! Everything is looking great for both the boys and myself.
  • I go back to the dr next week (32 wks). From then on out, I'll be going in twice a week. I'll see the dr only once a week, but I'll be having a form of a 'stress test' twice a week in which they will monitor the babies' heat rates, movements, contractions, etc... I can't believe it's already to that point!
  • We got all of our Christmas decorations packed and put back in the attic. I packed the boxes and Jason did ALL the heavy lifting and moving. Despite my lack of moving and lifting the boxes, I was still so very sore... One would have thought I had run a marathon or participated in the Olympics the way I felt afterwards! But it's all done and the house is redecorated!
  • We got the carpets steam cleaned this week! After 3 years with animals, we thought it best to get them cleaned before Gavin and Wyatt arrive! Some day we'll get wood floors, but for now, they are at least clean and ready for the babies!
  • We ordered a whole bunch of goodies for the boys; the things we'll need their first month. We figured we'll buy the other stuff after they are born, but some things we'll need right away. It's all in the process of being shipped! All that we really need to buy now is the toiletries (diapers, formula back up in case breastfeeding doesn't work out, laundry detergent, etc...).
  • Probably early Feb, I will begin to wash the clothes, put up their 'bassinet' in our room (we are using a pack and play for the first few weeks), put out a few of the swings, install the car seats, etc. That way if the boys decide they want to come early, we'll be ready! I'll also be packing my hospital bag early.
  • I've spent a lot of time reading and researching all sorts of topics about newborn care, twin care, delivery, etc... While it's mind boggling at first, it's wonderful and exciting at the same time!
  • I've decided I need to create a 'birth plan' even though I'm having twins. Mine will be different from most people's b/c I'll have to think of lots of scenarios. We are still aiming to have a natural birth, but know that anything can happen. We'll try to deliver vaginally if both boys are head down, or if Gavin is head down and Wyatt is 1) breech and 2)smaller than Gavin. We'll use a C-Section as a last resort, but my doctor will not be taking any risks on me or the boys! Still undecided about meds, but figure I have time to think more about this and then also play it all by ear once labor starts. It really depends on if I'll be 'induced' or go into labor naturally.
  • So the swelling has been about the same lately, until yesterday! I've been doing a whole lot more activity lately and yesterday my feet showed it! I was taking a shower and went to wash my legs and feet (which is no simple task these days people!)... when I looked down and wondered who's body I was looking at... There were these flinstone feet looking back at me! Awwwww... talk about a freaky feeling...
  • Like I said, I've had a lot more activity lately and it's been catching up with me. It seemed like I was having a lot more Braxton Hicks the past several days. I didn't have even one yesterday though and I think it's b/c I was in the sitting position for a lot of the day!
  • Some days knowing the boys will likely be here within the next 6 weeks seems like they are coming tomorrow... other days it seems so far away! Every day I seem to grow more uncomfortable. The idea of getting even bigger for over a month doesn't seem too great any more, but then I remind myself that they need this time to continue to grow and develop. God will get me through! I'm amazed at what our bodies can handle! I may feel 'out of shape', but my body is doing a great job taking care of me and the boys! For this I'm thankful and will give it a rest!
  • I'm still not sleeping the best, but I did have a good night's sleep once last week and then last night! But I'm here tonight at 2am wide awake and thus decided to write on the blog.
  • The boys are getting even stronger (I know I say this each time, but it's true!!)! Sometimes their movements really do hurt. I can tell my muscles are getting sore in spots that they kick often. Lately it seems as if they like to randomly play on one side of my tummy... this is not fun at all people! My tummy is tight as it is, but then to have them both on one side feels awful! I nicely ask them to move back and begin to pushing them softly until they move. The boys thought it was fun last night and did it 3 times...
  • They had so much fun playing yesterday! I don't think they slept much at all. The boys were rolling, kicking, punching... just having a ball. I thoroughly enjoyed it (even though it's pretty uncomfortable at times).
  • As I mentioned, it's getting pretty tight in my tummy. I can see that some days my tummy will grow 'outwards' around my belly button, and then it will be followed by growth right under my chest. I'm also spreading out on the sides a lot more. It makes sense to me though, b/c the boys have to fit somewhere! Gavin is further 'back' than Wyatt, which means he's been kicking my organs more, whereas Wyatt has been kicking out towards my skin more. Just starting yesterday, Gavin's been kicking my hip and pelvic bones. Since he's getting so much stronger, it's not feeling too good. Wyatt is so high, that it's really uncomfortable at times and I have to sit straight up and slant my body to try to make more room around my right ribs!
  • Despite the uncomfortable feelings, I LOVE feeling them move! There is always a little 'hard spot' sticking out of my tummy at some point or another... a little bum, head, hand, foot, etc... I LOVE to rub the boys and let them know I'm here and thinking about them. I can tell that they are responding more and more to my rubs! Can't wait to hold them and watch them look at me as I rub them as if they recognize that I'm the one who's been doing that the past couple of months!
  • Jason and I took the hospital tour last Tuesday. It was pretty exciting! Both of us really like the hospital and staff. I had to pre-register before hand, which entails signing consent forms for both me and each baby. For the babies' forms, I had to sign, print my name and then right 'relation'... yup... my first time writing 'Mother' on a legal document. The lady asked me, 'how did that feel?' and I just looked up crying saying how great and surreal it felt! What a gift!
  • Jason and I took at 'Newborn Care' class at the hospital earlier this week. It was pretty good. I think the best part was the experience of it all, but don't think I learned anything new. I'm taking a breastfeeding class tonight which I'm excited about, and then we are taking a 'Infant CPR and safety' class next week. I haven't registered yet, but I'll likely take the 'Lamaze' class in Feb to prepare for delivery in case I don't have to have a C-section!

I'm sure I'm forgetting some things I wanted to mention, but I'll have to cover that next post. I might try to see if I can fall asleep soon! Rest sure would be nice!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I can't believe you are coming into the home stretch. You might already know this, but most formula companies will send you free full size samples and the hospital also has formula gift bags when you leave the hospital. Thought I'd let you know so you didn't have to buy formula. I had a surplus of formula, which was good since we had to supplement for the first month until we got the swing of things. Then we found out he had a soy & milk intolerance so we had to quit that and I had to start pumping several times in the middle of the night.
