Sunday, May 6, 2012

24 Weeks Photos

Because I said in my last post I'd add pictures soon...

Yes, I'm being silly showing off my athletic physique, haha!!

Okay, so this has nothing to do with belly shots, but it was taken at the same time.  I was goofing around with the boys telling them to make funny faces for the camera.  They were doing just that.  The below photo you can see Wyatt's silly face as he was heading towards me grabbing at the camera!  What happened next...

Wyatt jumped in my lap; his head butting my mouth. My top teeth hit my lower lip and busted it good.  I now have a huge blood blister looking wound on my lower lip! Here we are showing off Mama's battle wound right before Jason and I got ready to go out on our special 6 year anniversary date in which we were getting all dressed up!  Gotta love the timing!

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