Friday, May 4, 2012

Luke's Nursery is Coming Along Great

Back in early March, we finished putting up the main decorations in Luke's nursery.  We've decided to keep it a 'guest bedroom' as well by leaving the queen sized bed in there.  It went from a girly room decorated in pale yellow to Luke's new nautical themed nursery!  I'm so pleased with the way it is turning out.  We just ordered the crib, and the sheets are back-ordered until June (we are using Clouds and Stars zip sheets and for some reason the blue is really popular right now). 

 I just love this picture!  I ordered it from an artist from Utah and then bought the mat and frame.  I just love the Scripture underneath that we added: 'He leadeth me beside still waters...'

I painted the NSWE navy blue with red trim to match the room.

Both Jason and I really liked the nautical theme for a nursery.  I just had to use the Scripture 'Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men' in my decorating!  

Just this week I finished up Luke's name plate to put above his crib once we get it all set up.  I decided to make something similar to Gavin and Wyatt's name plates, although the theme is of course different.

I also organized his closet and all of the baby clothes by size.  All we'll have to do is wash the tiny clothes in August!

We are getting so excited to meet our little boy.  He is growing so fast and becoming stronger by the day it seems.  I've so enjoyed feeling him move these past few weeks.  It's as if his movements are becoming a lot more intentional and I'm feeling a lot more of them!  We've been able to feel and see him kick through the skin for a few weeks now!  I have an appointment coming up next week, in which I'll try to write more about pregnancy.

1 comment:

  1. so fun to see!! i also love the thought of being lead by still waters ~ no sweeter thought for a mom, that God is protecting our children!! all looks complete and you still have time to spare!! you are so organized!!
