Monday, July 9, 2012

33.5 Weeks

Just five and a half more weeks until we meet our sweet Baby Luke!  It's so much fun thinking of the little things we have to do in the next couple of weeks to prepare for his arrival!  In about 2 weeks, we are thinking about bringing all the baby equipment down from the attic; the swing, bouncer, carseat, etc.  This way the boys get used to everything being out, they get their chance to explore and play with it all, and they won't be trying to push Luke out of everything for their turn as often!  Here's at least hoping it helps! All the clothes are already organized and in the closet, but I'll need to wash everything the week before he is born.  I'll of course have to pack my hospital bag and an extra goodie bag for the boys to keep them entertained while they visit us.  I also have to start teaching the boys to climb into their cribs using steps in preparation for my C-Section recovery.  The next 5 weeks, I'll be talking/playing a lot about doctors and hospitals with the boys in order to prepare them for Mama being hooked up to IVs and not able to rough house with them for a while.  (This part is what really bothers me, but I know we will all make it through.  I just have to prepare a head of time and start new little 'Mama fun times' that I know I will be able to do while recovering.  

Pregnancy continues to go very well for which I am thankful.  Some days I feel pretty worn out, especially if their is sickness in the house or we've been busy running around.  Other days I feel I have so much energy (which disappears by the evening time though).  My sciatic nerve only bothers me occasionally as is the other typical pregnancy aches.  I'm still able to sleep well at night, and heartburn has only recently started in the evenings the past few nights.  Slight swelling started in my hands on the 5th of July.  I thought it might be some of the extra salt in the food we had for the 4th, but it hasn't really gotten any better.  I can still wear my rings, but my Aggie Ring is pretty tight today.  I guess it's all to be expected, especially in this Houston heat and humidity.  Speaking of which, we tend to stay indoors a lot more than we used to these days; it's just too miserable unless you are in water!

Luke continues to get stronger!  He's a very active little boy and can make this mama jump when he kicks me out of the blue!  I love my 'snuggle time' with Luke; when I get to rub his head, butt, shoulders, etc as they poke from my belly.  Although he's very active all throughout the day, I still can tell that he responds to his big brothers when they make a lot of noise or when we have our tickle time and giggles are everywhere!

I haven't been taking a lot of pictures lately because frankly I'm just busy being Mama these days.  I did want to post a couple of pics taken on the 4th during our bowling time with my brother and sister.  We have similar pictures when I was pregnant with Gavin and Wyatt.

Mama from the front with her awesome siblings!  (I'll post more about our visit and more in the boys' 16 month update post...)

1 comment:

  1. you look great!! almost time! i fly out Aug. 11th and will be praying for you on the 17th!!
