Monday, August 13, 2012

Just a Few More Days

38.5 weeks pregnant

Just about 3 more days and our sweet Luke will be in our arms!  Oh, I just can't wait to hold and kiss him!  I've had tons more energy and physically feel pretty good the past few days and have been nesting like crazy.  I think tonight I officially have everything done I need to have done before I head to the hospital.  It's a good feeling.  My mom and sister come in tomorrow; I just can't wait to see them.  

Luke continues to move well and grows in strength.  He's been getting lots of snuggle time with his big brothers already as they both sit on my lap all throughout the day.  I'm getting a few more contractions each day and they are getting somewhat stronger (even waking me up at night), but still nothing major.  I'm considering walking a lot tomorrow and Wednesday trying to see if I can go into labor and have Luke naturally versus the C-section which is scheduled for Friday morning.  I continue to pray and feel more and more at peace about God leading and His perfect will for us.  

I have only slight swelling; enough to make my Aggie ring too tight to wear, but not enough that I can't wear my wedding ring!  My shoes still fit and nothing else major.  This pregnancy has been a lot easier physically than my pregnancy with the twins.  I am thankful for our health!  My next post will likely be about the birth of our sweet son Luke!  Thank You God for entrusting us with your precious son.    

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