Friday, March 5, 2010

Fertility 101 and Infertility

I know unless you are a biochemistry and genetics major like I am or you are trying to conceive, the chances that you have researched fertility and infertility is slim. I could spend forever writing about this, but for ease on my emotions and mind, I decided to share a site that might help. There are so many sites out there; some good and some lacking in correct information, some God focused and some unethical. Just as Jason and I did, I highly encourage you to ask God to be with you as you read through everything and ask His guidance and help to understand how He views everything.

Here is some information to help shed a little light on what Jason and I have been going through for a while now.

I highly recommed going to this site (although it is not as detailed and thus not 100% correct in every area, there is a lot of information about fertility, infertility and treatment options.{D69B3EA2-D95A-419D-BD78-E1EED33375B8}&TabID={0}

Go to Fertility 101 first and then on to the below links or other areas about fertilization and infertility and treatments.

The normal process of fertilization{D69B3EA2-D95A-419D-BD78-E1EED33375B8}&P=90530cfc-c2bb-45c8-9591-94526552b7da&ID=ba336408-8370-44d1-9b7e-0528243b0b50

Fertility Problems{D69B3EA2-D95A-419D-BD78-E1EED33375B8}&P=HW5PCHealthAndDiseaseI&ID=HW5hw203714


Intracytoplasmic sperm injection{D69B3EA2-D95A-419D-BD78-E1EED33375B8}&ID=HW5tn8214&Title=Intracytoplasmic-sperm-injection-for-infertility

Assisted Hatching{D69B3EA2-D95A-419D-BD78-E1EED33375B8}&ID=4620375c-2cd3-4334-9084-322528d1f8d8&Title=Assisted-Hatching

There are other great links on this site about the medications used, support, etc.

Thanks for sharing! I'll post more about our entrusted journey at a later date.

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