Friday, March 26, 2010

Kutless and Casting Crowns Concert

Darkness filled the room and soon sounds from the stage began to quiet the chatter of the crowd. Softly you could hear children singing, 'it is well with my soul' in the background... footsteps could be heard over the singing... then a very brief moment of silence left you sitting on your seat waiting for what will happen next... then the lights began to flash, black, white and red as the music began to drum throughout and cheers from the crowd echoed. Kutless' opening song, 'It Is Well' was the perfect intro! It was amazing listening to him belt it out... 'IT IS WELL......... WITH MY SOUL..... IT IS WELL......... WITH MY SOUL....' If you haven't heard the song, try to find it on iTunes! I just love it. Hearing it in person was so much better too. You could actually feel the passion in his voice as he sang and the musicians played along.

Casting Crowns followed after Kutless played a few of their songs. It was a great evening marked with much joy and tears as we sang of and for our beautiful Creator! They sang a good mixture of some of their most recent songs as well as some of their older ones. I'd like to leave you with a new Casting Crowns favorite of mine thanks to this concert!

Blessed Redeemer

Up Calvary’s mountain one dreadful morn
Walked Christ my Savior, weary and worn
Facing for sinners death on the cross
That He might save them from endless loss

Blessed Redeemer, precious Redeemer
Seems now I see Him on Calvary’s tree
Wounded and bleeding, for sinners pleading
Blind and unheeding, dying for me

“Father, forgive them,” my Savior prayed
Even while His lifeblood flowed fast away
Praying for sinners while in such woe
No one but Jesus ever loved so

Dying for me
Oh how I love Him,
Savior and friend
How can my praises
ever find end

Through years unnumbered on Heaven’s shore
My songs shall praise Him forevermore

Concert held in Cypress on Friday, March 12th.

1 comment:

  1. Love the new pictures!! I haven't been here in a while, i usually read your thoughts through google reader. i love the It is Well!! wonderful, so glad you were able to go!!
